ok, i found out wedensday i was 5 weeks and 1 day pregnant, really excited, had a miscarriage at 5 months with twins 4 years ago... no luck since. SO it was great news wednesday, well yesterday started spotting pink, today bleeding ( less then a period) no cramps or anything. only morning sickness and the normal uterus expanding for baby stuff... my levels were 2500 on wednesday and 4991 today, doctor said they were good. i only seem to bleed when im at work, he thinks i walk too much. so i am on bedrest until the bleeding stops. friend said its probably placenta attaching. of course, my first thought was another miscarriage, but the doctor said as long as my numbers go up like they are doing, we are good. I am rh negative and i had a laproscopy surgery a month ago, they removed endometriosis, is the bleeding maybe because the body is getting back to normal after that.... any help would be great. thanks so much