
Im 6 months pregnant boyf acted all strange then told me he needs space and that he loves me but not in love..

by  |  earlier

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weve been together since november, agreed and were happy to have this baby together. now he says he has too much going on, with work and he tells me he needs space and time, but then he says hes not sure if hes in love with me, but he loves me. i know he isnt seeing anyone else, but id like advice as to what to do. people have said once i give him space he may be ok or when the baby arrives he realise how selfish and hurtful hes been. he hasnt seen his mates in ages because of work so he might just want time to himself, id do anything to get him back. ive tried the nice and the nasty approach but he doesnt talk. do i give him the time and hope after i do he will come back or just tell him 2 go away and leave me to raise our baby on my own? please help with advice.




  1. If you guys don't get back together think about this: Do you have the means to support yourself and your kid? Do you want this guy to help raise your kid?

    Personally, I wouldn't let that guy leave. I'd make him pay child support or something. If he decides to leave, I wouldn't care as long as he helps support me and the kid. It's not right to abandon a kid that you helped create and his mom.

    I hope everything turns out alright.

  2. hi, i know what your goin through. my fiance did the same to me both times i was pregnant. i think they start to get frightened of the fact that their lives are gonna change forever, so they try to cram in as much them time as possible. women take it differently to men, as we do mature faster. my advice would be to let him carry on and dont be nasty. let him ring you not you ring him, be nice if he rings but dont act that you care he`s rang you. after a while they realise the grass isnt always greener on the other side. my bf told me he loved me but was not in love with me, but here we are now still together.

  3. Whatever happens between the two of you, you should not deny your son having a father if he plans on being there for him "110%".   He's probably trying to figure out if he is really ready for this type of commitment with you.  It's good for him to be honest about this, even if you don't think so.  Wouldn't you rather he tell you, than to stay with you if he's not really in love with you?  This doesn't mean he won't be a great dad.

  4. hmmm ...yeah dats difff... maybe ..try just try 2 kno wts botherin him ..n say u'll all d support he needs...jus b cool ..wel i cn htink of ..try crying..makin his heart melt..

  5. First, you got to stay calm (I know it is hard but try your best) for your babies sake. You can't make him come back if he doesn't want to. Hopefully, he is just getting nervous about having such a big commitment and will realize soon and everything will go back to the way it was. Second, you have to realize that he did not abandon his child because he is still wanting to be apart of his child's life. Regardless, he needs to help support his child so don't let him free of that. As far as him supporting you, if you two are not together then he should not have to support you, just your child! Also, don't go chasing behind him, if this is what he wants let him have it (as hard as it is) because if not then he will end up hating you or coming back and leaving later on when you least expect it. Try to keep a good communication going with him for your child's sake and it will be so much easier for you baby. Good luck!!

  6. Move on!

    As hard as it sounds, give him the space he needs and with no expectations of getting him back. You will need all your energy for yourself and this baby. Once you start the healing process the quicker you can focus on the life ahead of you.

    He may or may not have this "hoped for revelation" therefore may or may not choose to come back, regardless, ask yourself if this guy and the way he's treated you lately is really what you and this child deserve??? I doubt it. Sounds to me like hes not walking out on his son, but on you.

    If he is willing to take care of his child, then you need to let him. That child deserves a father. As for you, as hurtfull as it is, you need to accept that he just dosent want the relationship anymore.

    Men show their true colors very early on. Wether we choose to see it or not is on us.

    Take care of yourself and look forward to all the many great things that will come to you once you put yourself first.

    Be strong!

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