
Im 6 mths pregnant and its a boy i dont know what to name my son...

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i like the name Jayden but my boyfriend wants the baby to be named after him (irvin) but i really dont want to...what do you think?




  1. kind of use his name but change it a little bit,

    but jayden is cute too!

  2. Jayden is a nice name, but lately it is super popular. I would pick a more unique name. As far as Irvin goes I would use it as the middle name. That way you incorporate his name in it. Jaylen Irvin might be a good compromise. I also think the name Jayce and Jaycen are cool names. Jayce Irvin and Jaycen Irvin sound good. Jay is a good nickname too.  

  3. Name him John Joe Shagnasty.

    Just Kidding but what ever you name him show him a lot of love.May God Bless

  4. I think Jayden is cuter than Irvin!GO JAYDEN!!!!Congrats by the way!

  5. Name him Drew! :D

  6. Irvin Jayden

    Jayden Irvin

    You both have to compromise. He picks one and you pick one!

  7. You still have lots of time to decide- but it is a big decision. It's fun to start thinking of it early. I think it is good to know the meaning of the name you pick and also it may be cool to choose one based on your ethnicity. The site attached gives the names and origins for tons of names :) Good Luck and Congrats!

  8. jayden irvin kills both wants

    whats his middle name?

  9. JAYDEN........ I love it

  10. I like Jayden better than Irvin, so I would have to agree with you on that one!!


    Good Luck!!

  11. how about Jayden irvin  

  12. I think you should keep looking until you find a name you both like.  :)

    I don't like Jayden; it's one of those trendy names that's bound to sound dated in 20 years or so.  I teach first grade, and I run across a lot of little Jaydens.  I prefer names that are uncommon and aren't strongly limited to one decade.  

    I'm not particularly fond of Irvin, either, but I do like that it is connected to his father.  That makes the name more meaningful than a trendy name like Jayden.  Would your boyfriend consider Irving as a variant?  Irving is a Scottish surname and place name, and it was the original form of Irvin.  It was also the name of a famous songwriter -- Irving Berlin.  It sounds a little more current to me than Irvin.  I think you and your boyfriend should find a first name you both like and then consider using Irvin or Irving as a middle name.

    Here are a few combinations I like.  I have starred my favorites:

    Miles Irving*

    Julian Irving or Julius Irving*

    Jude Irving

    Liam Irving*

    Callum Irving

    Grant Irving

    Owen Irving

    Henry Irving

    Darius Irving

    Gabriel Irving

    Adrian Irving

    Andreas Irving*

  13. How about Jayvin? or Javin/Jaevin/Jaiven? Its similar to both :)

  14. I really don't like Jayden at all.  What about Jay Irvin or Jaden Irvin (your spelling is feminine) or something else with Irvin as the middle name.

  15. not Jayden please!!! we have to stop the caden,hayden,jayden,aiden thing...

    i agree irvin isn't so great but you could use it as a middle name...since you are not married, i would not use a first name i didn't like... if things don't work out you are stuck calling your son after someone you no longer are in a relationship with

    Henry Irvin

    Hunter Irvin

    Bretton Irvin

    good luck!

  16. i like jayden

  17. well it is YOUR baby so i would go with whatever name you like. as your families opinion too :)

  18. Jayden is a beautiful name! I really don't like the name Irvin. Why don't you put one as his first name and the other as his middle name. Like: Jayden Irvin or Irvin Jayden.

  19. i kinda don't like the name Irvin....jayden is kinda bettoer...but another name is really like is Jacob

  20. Make the boyfriends name the middle name.....

    My kids all have family names as middle names

    Devon Henry(my dad's middle name, and Grandpas first)

    Logan James(his dad's and grandpa's first name)

    Hayden Richard(paternal Grandpa's middle name)

    We got to name our kids what we wanted, and people were still honored to have their name included.

    Don't name the baby something you hate, you have to live with it for the rest of your life.  If you hate it the baby will probably grow up to feel the same way.

  21. my name is cierra ( i hate it)  my boyfriends name is al (i most defiantly hate that) he insisted on her having his name or something like alvina (ugly) so i named her cionna name and his

  22. I'm not crazy about the name Irvin and since his daddy will be called that too he's destined to go by a nickname. Jayvin is kind of cute to but I really like Jayden.  

  23. Oooh, i love that name! Go for it, or do a mixture of both.

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