
Im 66 kg how much should I bench to gain more mass?

by  |  earlier

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I am currently benching 40kg. I do this in my shed, myself so I dont want to push myself too much incase I cant lift it off me. So any tips? I also have a broken toe, so kinda giving it a rest atm. I do pull ups and chin ups and dumbells for my arms.




  1. get a training partner so you can spot each other. a good mark of strength is to be benching at least your bodyweight.

  2. How old are you? I am 74kilos and 44 yrs old, very fit, 5ft 9in and I am at my perfect weight. if you are a teenager you will grow.

  3. 3 sets of 8 reps will bulk you up as long as you got a high protien diet..i

    if you cant get some one to spot you just dont lock all the weights on the bar so if u get stuck u can slide some off.

    ...u should increase the weight a little between each currently 64kg 17years old abt 5'10 and i bench 3 sets of 70kg..but i started on 40kg like you.....i have been doin gym for a while tho like 3 years....

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