
Im 8 months pregnant and so tired?

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im so tired any thing that can help with all this tiredness and layin around all the time i dont even wanna cook or anything




  1. im the same way 36 weeks and i am sooooooo lazy i hate it i dont even want to take a shower sometimes i feel it takes to much energy if you find something that helps please let me know

  2. Totally normal, my wife was the same way, just means the baby needs his rest too.  

  3. I'm almost 38 weeks and I'm SO tired. I can literally lay in bed all day. Its takes so much effort to shower, cook or really do anything. But also, like you, I go through spurts of energy off and on. Actually last night from about one in the morn till around four i was cleaning, re-packing my bag, washing baby clothes, all kinds of stuff. Then of course passed out! Its normal, enjoy the rest while you still have it!!

  4. first congratulations.try to look on the bright side you have not long to go.i would already say that you started with the so called nesting from what you`ve for the tiredness that is there for a reason to try and prepare you for the things to come.i.e the birth and the sleepless nights when the baby is eventually there.please try not to over do it with the housework let your spouse or partner help if you have for the not feeling like cooking the same thing,let your partner or spouse,family and friends help after all that`one of the reasons they are there.ask them nicely if when they are cooking something for themselves can they not  cook a little bit extra for you so that you can freeze for another day.i`sure they will be pleased you have asked them and be glad to help.enjoy this little time that you have left before you have to start changing nappies etc.conserve your strength you will need it and good luck.

  5. So normal !

    I use to feel like that..not anymore maybe because I;m getting close to have my baby that I'm trying to get everything ready before she arrives.

    If you don't feel like doing anything don't do it..don't over work yourself..

    Just try to rest as much as possible !

    Good luck !

  6. yeah that happens

    you should call your mother over for help.. or your husband

    you shpouldnt be doing lots of work and heavy workage because it could due to your childs loss

    and you shouldnt be in stress because that all leads to miscarriage

  7. I am 38 weeks pregnant. Basically eat healthy, go for short walks, take your prenatal and sleep/rest.There is no cure until you have that bundle of joy in your arms. Than you will be tired for a whole different reason. SLEEP DEPRIVATION!!

  8. Your baby takes a lot when pregnant, it's hard work even if your not running around everywhere.  You should make sure you are eating and drinking properly and getting proper rest.  If your worried give your Dr a call.

    Take Care

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