
Im 8 weeks pregnant and during s*x i notice thick white discharge what can it be?

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ok so im 8 weeks pregnant and during s*x i notice like thick white discharge like glumps at times.its scary.i dont kno wat it could be. is this normal?plz help this is my second pregnancy but my first ended in a miscarriage




  1. Yeast infections are common during pregnancy, and while it's still early on, having one is still possible.

    But before you run out to your neighborhood pharmacy to get some Monistat, go to your OB/GYN first. It may be a bacterial infection that could possibly cause complications. Better to get it diagnosed first before treating it blindly.

  2. It sounds like a yeast infection.  Especially if its accompanied by itching, burning or swelling in the vagial area.  It is worth being checked over by a physician as the symptoms of thrush can mimic those of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as gonorrhea or Chlamydia.

    Vaginal yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of the yeast or fungus Candida.

    The symptoms include  severe itchiness in the v****a, vaginal yeast infection has other symptoms and these are: pain and discomfort when urinating or during sexual intercourse; a burning sensation, swelling, and redness around the v****a; a thick and white discharge from the v****a that resembles cottage cheese without any offensive odor.

    Because every woman has the candida yeast, it is possible to get thrush/yeast infection.  More so when something happens to upset the balance within the v****a and create a more hospitable place for the yeast to grow.  This includes being under a lot of stress, lack of proper amount of sleep; a scanty diet or one that includes too much sugar intake; pregnant and sick; taking pills for birth control; under heavy antibiotics; or has diseases like HIV and diabetes. Contrary to popular belief - yeast infections are not sexually transmitted!

    Before taking any of the pharmacy available medication for thrush/candida, it is important to check with a doctor to check that you do actually have a yeast infection and to ensure that any medication that you use is safe during pregnancy.  

    There are a number of natural remedies that can be used - such as bathing in a shallow warm bath with a few drops of tea tree oil.

    You can help to avoid getting thrush again by

    * Avoiding the use of douches.

    * Avoiding the use of scented products for hygienic purposes like tampons, pads, sprays, and bubble baths.

    * Avoiding wearing tight clothes and underwear that are made from synthetic fibers - cotton is best!

    *  taking off exercise clothes and wet swimsuits as quickly as possible.

    * having a low sugar diet - candida loves sugar!

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