
Im A Freshmen Trainnin For Cross country ?

by Guest60646  |  earlier

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Im traininn for cross country and im goin to be a freshmen. I need a good trainin plain for the summer so i can start trainin. I love to run but i really need a plain. Besides run wat can i do to get in fit too. I need i fitness plain too aslong with a runin plain. Wat should i eat. I run a mile in 8:30 is that good enough to do cross country. Help me plzzzzz




  1. You should never question whether you are "Good Enough" to do Cross Country. There are no try outs, and you compete with yourself more than anything! I ran an 8:30 mile, and I did Cross Country. It is really a great sport!

  2. congrats on joining xc!! 830 is great and with training you will most likely bring it down a lot!! try running a little bit everyday, start out at maybe one or two miles a day. make sure you streatch really good before and after your run.

    if its hot were you live try running in the morning and make sure you eat something before going out. dry cereal, gernola bars, and bagels and toast with peanut butter are good. make sure you drink plenty of water and stay away from milk right before running.

    good luck! i hope you have a great season!!

  3. Try aiming for Two fast days a week (2-5 miles Interval, Tempo, and fartlek training... Try 85 -90%)

    Two days of hill/trail work to get yourself used to cross country courses... (run those hills HARD! 80 -85% at LEAST 3 miles)

    One long run a week ( 7- 10 miles at an easy conversational pace 70-80%)

    One rest day (don't confuse rest with inactivity! Try swimming, bicycling or any other cross training)

    Another Important factor is core work, 2 or three days a week work you abs, a strong core will improve your times significantly.)

    Good luck

  4. a mile in 8:30 is good, but you'll definetly want to improve over the summer. go running at least 2 miles every other day (NOT EVERY DAY) and it DOES NOT need to be fast! at least once a week time yourself. also any working out will not hurt. crunches will keep you from getting cramps when running. jumping jacks will increase your stamina. reverse crunches give you wonderful leg muscle results. For food, healthy things ONLY. something unhealthy every once in a while is okay, but try to stick to anything organic. (pasta is great to have the night before  a race)

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