
Im A Teenager Trying To gain Weight And Muscle, Any Advice?

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Im 16, 6'2 And Weigh 100 Odd Pounds (8 Stone), bad I Know Lol, Basically Iv Been Workng Out For A Good 2 Years Now And Seen No Big Results At All Really. I Joined The Gym (fitness first) Few months Ago, I Take Protein Shakes And I Eat Lots Of Of Food, Reasonable Amounts Of Meat. I Eat Fatty Foods, Carbs, Fibre, All That.

Why Aint I Getting Anywhere? Do i Just Keep At it?

Im mostly Concernd For My Upper Body As My legs Are Pretty Ok, I Hav Stupidly Skinny Forearms, i Can Get Pinky Round My Wrist And Still Have Room lol.

What Should I Be On At The Gym? (I Do All The Weight Machines)

Opinion Please :)





  1. add more bread to your diet. increase your daily calorie intake. my husband uses those ultimate push up things seen on tv-that you can buy at walgreens for $20, and his arms have gotten a lot bigger.

  2. do what the first guy said and these 4 steps

    1) start weight lifting, do it with 10 pound weights 20 times a day

    2) run like h**l (1/2 a mile should do the trick)

    3) my ab exercise is a little complicated so listen well: you have to be laying on the floor and lift you legs (don`t bend them) and as they`re going up, separate them and get them back together when they`re up high. Repeat this on the way down. Do this 5 times.

    4) increase 20% of your workout every week.

  3. you should try creatine products they are easy to drink and add weight and muscle you could try good old fashioned push ups to gt muscle on your arms

  4. Eat about 8 meals a day

    At least 1.5 grams of protein/pound you weight per day.

    Lots of complex carbs, healthy fats, NO skipping breakfast.

    Otherwise lift smart, eat smart, get your sleep, drink plenty of water, and maybe take a multivitamin.

  5. I had this problem too, I was 6'-4" in 8th grade and no matter how hard I tried I could not get any muscle gain. I was 170-175 all through middle and high school. It is mainly because your metabolism is large at your age and you burn a lot of energy.

    In terms of weight lifting, if you want to get bigger faster you will want to focus on using heavier weight and doing less repetitions. The more repetitions you do the more fat you are burning and the leaner you will become. Higher weight and low reps will pack on muscle faster. I would suggest doing a few different variations of pull-ups, lat pull downs, preacher curls, dumbell hammer curls and concentration curls. Also do shoulder presses and shrugs to focus on your shoulder area. You will also want to lift 3-4 days a week and concentrate on a different body area each time.

    I lifted all throughout high school and played 4 sports but could still not gain any weight. When I got to college and my metabolism started to slow down I was able to start putting muscle on. I gained 20 pounds of mostly muscle my freshmen year and now I am at 225 and pretty well built after not being able to get above 175 for the longest time.  

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