
Im Aus want work in Italy Id like an Italian passport. My grands were born there not my parents can i get 1?

by  |  earlier

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I'm an Australian, wanting to work in Italy. I'd like to obtain an Italian passport or a right to work. My grandparents were born there, however not my parents, am I still able to get one? Does anyone know any information about it? Or has anyone been able to obtain one being in a situation like mine?




  1. why ask in australia? try the italian section

  2. Your better off asking the Italian embassy than on here

  3. LOL... my Dad found that you have to go there to talk to them face to face to really get anywhere - so it's a catch 22 isn't it...sux...I have been trying to research my family tree - got no where from here writing letters and phone calls etc - but Mum and Dad went there and found out over 100years worth in a day or two!!!

    it's a cultural thing - something to consider if you want to live/ work there.

    I'm really interested in this one coz my Grandparents were born there too.

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