
Im Black And Live In Ireland?

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and i have a irish accent and im moving to the US for a semester of college. what to do and what not to do? ill be in boston




  1. Just relax & have fun with it! I am Irish living in the states, it's amazing the questions people will come out with & the misconceptions about Ireland! I have been asked if there are many African Americans in Ireland. I always get a great laugh out of that one, we have black people but they are Irish, neither from America or from Africa (well ok we have people from those continents too but you get what I am saying!). You will probably get a lot of comments about being Black & Irish but don’t take them offensively. I have an English friend here that is black & she gets a lot of comments. For the most part not negative though. Expect to get a lot of questions, I get them too. Have fun with it!

  2. So what if you have an Irish, Indian or whatever accent, creed, color or religion different from others.  Are they not equally different from you?.  Just be yourself and do what you are supposed to achieve whilst in college.  Do what is best for you and do not break the laws or social taboos.

  3. So you are black Irish ....ha ha.  Please don't take offense. Be yourself.  Have fun but be respectful the the police.  And don't get to rowdy or break things.  You know the usual.

    Hope you have a good stay with us.

  4. You do know Phil Lynott don't you? One of Irelands musical geniuses? Just blare out "The Boys are back in Town" as much as you can!

    You will be a hero-

    Thin Lizzy rules!

  5. Man:

    Failte! You are most welcome here.  Be a good citizen (albeit temporary), and be a good student.  You will have no problem fitting in, as the USA is a very diverse country.  Sentiment toward the Irish is generally very good here.  Amongst the uneducated, there still exists some prejudice against people with darker skin.  Amongst your piers, this ought not be an issue.

    Enjoy your time here.  Travel a little if you can.  Meet new friends.  You will be surprised how little Americans really understand about Irish of any color.  I wish I could have studied in your's brilliant.

    Best of luck  Slan abahaIlle    


  6. As a blackman my self and living in many different countries in europe their is a general misconception of how american blacks are. Some think they are like these "Jerry Springer" type shows. Nothing could be further from the truth. One thing for sure you would be better off staying around your college school mates. Also you should stay in and around the college erea because it can be very dangerous out side of it.

    Americans especially black ones can be hard to

    figure out. We blacks have been here since the late 1600's and so our personalities are all over the place. I would come here to the states and

    develope friends and take what comes at you and is friendly no matter what the race. YOu need more than a semester to find you a very good black friend that you can trust for many years to come.     JC

  7. Do be yourself.

    Do hate the Yankees.

    Do check out all the great pubs.

    Do study hard.

    Do meet lotsa girls.

    Don't be mean.

    Don't s*ck.

  8. Just be yourself.  Have a great time.  And no matter what, don't lip off to the police.

  9. Don't fight with the police.

    Just be yourself.

    Don't do anything you think is stupid.

    Have fun!

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