
Im Bringing Back The Horus Lockdown! What Do You Think Of This?? Please Rate And Add Improvements..Thanks?

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Monsters: 21x

Horus the Black Flame Dragon Lv. 8 x2

Horus the Black Flame Dragon Lv. 6 x2

Horus the Black Flame Dragon Lv. 4 x3


DD Warrior Lady

DD Assailant

Snipe Hunter

Exiled Force

Spirit Reaper


Cyber Dragon x2

Hydrogeddon x3

Twin Headed Behemoth


Spells: 15x

Book of Moon

Enemy Controller x2


Brain Control

My Body as a Shield x2

Level Up! x2

Monster Reborn

Heavy Storm

Mystical Space Typhoon

Nobleman of Crossout

Premature Burial

Fissure/Smashing Ground/Lightning Vortex

Traps: 4x

Royal Decree

Royal Decree

Torrential Tribute

Mirror force

Total Cards: 40 cards




  1. 21 mons

    3 horus lv 6

    2 horus lv 8

    3 jinzo

    2 cyber drag

    3 gk spy

    2 legendarry jujitsu master

    2 dekoichi

    1 dd warrior lady

    1 spirit reaper

    1 marshmallon

    1 morphing jar

    13 spells

    2 book of moon

    2 emeny controller

    1 n o c

    1 pot of avarice

    1 heavy

    1 m s t

    1 mon reborn

    1 pre burial

    1 smash ground

    1 lightning vortex

    1 brain control

    7 traps

    2 bottomless trap hole

    3 solemn judgment

    1 mirror force

    1 torrential tribute

  2. -spirit reaper(mellon is wayyyy better)-dd assailant(its effect isnt that good)

  3. i would say add more jinz but then you are high level monster heavy, other than that it looks pretty good. try level modulation though

    and theres the trap that negates flip summons until you get out jinzo, you could also add mystic swordsman lv 6 he helps for a complete lockdown

  4. you rock because you like horus!!


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