
Im From A Direct Blood Line Of A Count Of Austria If The Monarcy Came Back Into Austria Would I Become Count?

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His Name is Ronalph Courtes




  1. I believe that under Austrian law (as German law) you are not allowed be styled witha title. However, you could be von SoandSo

  2. Frankly, who cares?

  3. LOL @ Paula.

    Count - a typo!

  4. NO.

  5. From your spelling you would probably leave out the 'o'

  6. no you wouldnt. We are ALL in some way decended to one royal bloodline or another. But its down to how PURE the lineage is.

    also you can only become a count if you enherit the estate of the previous count.

  7. Is that a typo?

  8. Don't COUNT on it

  9. Don't count on it, The world is moving on

  10. No, just a wannabe.

  11. Whats the line then?

  12. From your pic you are a woman so the answer is no but you might become a countess!

  13. Are you having trouble reading? You keep putting this question up for answers

  14. Two spelling mistakes the second one is in the last word !

  15. other's have beaten me to the spelling mistake

  16. Hello,         Hitler came from Austria he was a whoops sorry you said count need better glasses. Just take the title nobody in this country cares a s***.

  17. No .

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