
Im GERD patient?

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kindly tell me which medicine is best for GERD im taking Risek capsules (omeprazole) ..... but this one is not effective still i got symtoms of GERD... tell me about zantac 150mg (ranitidine) or zegerid (omeprazole/sodium bicarbonate) is this best for GERD...




  1. I started getting GERD, and have found a product with d-limonene, which really helps.  The one I got was Heartburn-Free (at health food stores), but any product with d-limonene is OK.  It's amazing, and it really does work.  Chewing on pieces of organic orange rind will give you some of the active ingredient, but the tablets are better.

  2. My husband took heartburn medicine for years.  First it was Tums & Rolaids, then Zantac.  He had side effects from the Zantac.  All of these products are masks and not cures for what's causing the GERD.  I am researching for myself right now on natural remedies for him.  I've gotten a lot of good information at   Check it out before you go on an expensive prescription that does not stop the cause of the problem.


    Yeah buddy, take baking soda.  Except you didn't tell him that if he also has high blood pressure that you'll pretty much kill him because baking soda is a SODIUM SALT.  There's a reason why magnesium and calcium salts are used in antacids.

    I've had reflux for years.  Then I tried Prilosec OTC once a day for 14 days.  It cleared up my symptoms for 3 months.

  4. Make sure you also are careful with your oral health, as the stomach acids are killer on your teeth.....

    Try to brush and floss well, take the meds to reduce the acid challenge to your teeth.

  5. Antacids such as Omeoprazole & Gaviscon are only at best bandaiding the situation by temporarily resolving your symptoms ~ their main function is to alleviate the reflux by neutralising ALL the acid in your stomach, that's a Bad thing because you need stomach acids such as hydrochloric acid to Digest your food .......... hence, the next time you eat your symptoms recurr because your stomach acids are diluted and useless and the source of the problem ....... Low Stomach Acid ........ has not been addressed .......... Increase your stomach's production of hydrochloric acid by eating more foods rich in magnesium ie ~ leafy and green vegies, fresh fishes such as tuna, sardines and salmon and by pinpointing foods to which you are allergic....... you really do need to try to resolve this problem from the source as acid reflux is NoT an ongoing problem if you deal with it at its root cause ie ~ effective digestion.

    For now, put 1 - 2 teaspoons full of baking soda into a glass and fill with water, stir up and drink up ........ the baking soda will neutralise the contents of your tummy and relieve the acid reflux / gerd  for you ....... this is only a temporary measure though as it has the same function as the prescription pills without the hefty price tag ........ in other words it will also neutralise All the acids in your tummy including the digestive juices which you need need need for effective digestion.

    Ditch the milk and dairy products i say ........ continuous heartburn is a sign of ineffective digestion which may be caused by ingesting foods to which you are intolerant ... lactose intolerance can cause heartburn ........many many people find it extremely hard to digest lactose contained in milk and dairy products.

    Take a calcium & vitamin D3 rich supplement perhaps in a liquid form (easiest to assimilate) to ensure you get all your calcium on a daily basis ..........and pump up your intake of fresh fish such as salmon and tuna and leafy and green vegies & fresh fruits~ the vegies are rich in both calcium and protein and the fish are rich in magnesium (antistress mineral), protein, EFA's~ essential fatty acids which are also fantastic for lowering blood pressure,levelling out any mood or stress levels you may have and bolstering your immunity, calcium and vitamin D (the vitamin D is essential for effective calcium absorption) .

    The calcium found in vegies and fruits has a greater impact on bone health than calcium from dairy products anyways.... a study published in The Americal Journal of clinical nutrition (2002) found that a high intake of vegies and fruits has a positive impact on bone health, but dairy did not.

    Dairy products contain animal proteins, which speed the elimination of calcium from the body and make it more acidic. This can cause calcium to leach from the bones and cause problems with magnesium (essential for healthy nerve and muscle functioning and for heart health ~ known as the antistress mineral) absorption, leading to osteoporosis. In addition, we absorb only 30 percent of the calcium found in milk, compared to 40 to 70 percent of the calcium found in vegies and fruits.

    pretty disturbing actually when you consider the way the milk and dairy industry pump us with their commercials to drink more milk !!

    Cow's milk contains proteins that are difficult for humans to digest; when these undigested proteins enter the lower digestive system, they putrefy and cause digestive problems. Dairy products encourage the production of excess mucus in the body, burdening the respiratory, digestive and immune systems. Not surprisingly, when you ditch the milk and dairy people more often than not experience markedly fewer colds and sinus & respiratory infections.

    Lactose intolerance can cause acid reflux ~ gerd, alternating bouts of constipation & diahorrea and will also lead to a compromised digestive system thus laying the groundwork for a body which is extremely susceptible to developing nose, throat, sinus, ear, bronchial, bladder and other infections as well....... Other symptoms of lactose intolerance are mucous in the stools, bloating and cramping, digestive troubles such as constipation, belching and burping, gassiness and wet f*arting (sorry, no other way to say it), ribbony and stringy shaped bowel movements or rabbit pellet shaped movements are all symptoms of lactose intolerance.

    Do you also suffer from insomnia, achy bones and headaches??? if so, this is because your lactose intolerance is inhibiting the effective assimilation of calcium in your body.

    Please also ensure that whichever supplement you decide to buy doesn't contain any lactose, wheat, yeast, gluten, preservatives or flavorings, sugar or yeast as none of these have any place in a good quality supplement anyways.

    You have only vibrant health & vitality to gain by ditching the milk and dairy products mate ............. i sincerely do wish you the very best of health & vitality ♥


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