
Im Gunna purchase a new car, (as my first). im in debating...?

by  |  earlier

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what do you think i should get? im definatly going to do modding to it at it bro's shop. also note i dont have a big budget. so i was thinking along long the line of a Honda CRX. old skool yeah, but it gets 44mpg lol. so any suggestions?

if not a car im getting a sports bike.

yes i know how to drive and am well experienced even tho im 16. i learned to drive when i was 12 on the back roads. :D

but yeah, any suggestions for cars?




  1. Buy one that runs on natural gas (methane) if you're in an area that has filling stations for them. It'll save you bucketloads of money on fuel costs and it's way cleaner for the environment. I have 2 of them and they're great!

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