
Im Scared Of Being Sick So Everything i do i have to have a drink to help i cant go out without a drink

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I cant go out without a drink cause im scared of being sick and it always comes into my mind all these bad pictures of me being sick or something disgusting and when i dont have a drink i gag im throwing up bit nothing coming out, is there anyway of getting rid of this ive tried to forget and jsut go out but i cant do it i cant lvie without a drink and it ruins my life how can i get rid of this fear or hwo do i ignore it ???? HELP:'(




  1. You're scared of being sick so you drink?  That sounds like an excuse so you can drink and be an alcoholic.  I would be "scared" of being a loser or messing up my life, not scared of being sick.  That sounds dumb.  If you drink too much, you will get sick.  

  2. I think you should relize the bad result of your bad habit. then get rid of it regularly.  

  3. Without knowing a drink of WHAT, it's difficult to be too helpful.

    If it's alcohol, you're an alcoholic and need to see a doctor, a therapist, and go to meetings.

    If it's water, you have Obsessive-Compulsive disorder and need to see a therapist, and, maybe, a psychiatrist.

    DO IT!

    Good luck.

  4. OCD

  5. try getting some counsilling to help you get over

    your FEAR of going out without a drink and also to help you stop drinking before you damage your liver

  6. Downward is the spiral, you are describing an addiction is this alcohol or another type of drink? You cannot be addicted to water so this must be caffeine or alcohol. The sickness is not a medical issue but this will iin time and sadly to say most people by then are looking at a shortened life . Alcohol is a slow destroyer of the brain cells and then the liver, a swollem liver spells serious problems. Going without a drink is a matter of security, but I cannot give you any suggestions until we know the drink you are referring to. Gone but not forgotten.

  7. You're an alcoholic. Go to an AA meeting.

  8. Drink of what? If you mean alcohol, don't just stop altogether. Reduce the amount you drink casually cuz you have to get your body used to the reduction. If it's anything else like water or something, shame on you!

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