
Im Scared of flying on a plane .. what should i do?

by Guest66934  |  earlier

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im really scared of flying bcuz of all those movies and i never been on a plane b4 but im going to disney world in a couple of weeks and im scared i dont know what to do plz hlp!




  1. K first off do not panic... plane crashes happen wayyyyyyyyyy more rarely then car crashes do... theres like 50 accidents a day probobly just in your city, whereas theres like 1 plane crash every year in the world, next dont take the window seat and just imagine you are in a car, try to sleep avoid reading, or watching movies,videos stick to music and imagine turbulance (bumps in the air) as a rocky road

  2. dont get a seat next to the window

  3. is your airplane have a mini tv you can just watch or take a sleep

    never sit near the window or you will be more afraid just relax and have fun

  4. you can either fly or go by road. its better to fly because you will get there much faster.

  5. if you cannot avoid flying, take a chill pill.

    ask your GP to give you a short acting benzo. hopefully that wll help you chill and perhaps sleep.

  6. catch a bus or a train.

  7. Bring something on the plane to help you relax, also those movie's are a bunch of nonsense i have been on a plane and its really fun,or maybe you can sleep on the plane a lot they check the plane before you go ona nd after you get off so theres nothing to worry about

  8. dont worry. plane is safest type of traveling. My favorite TV show is " Air crash investigation" which investigate all the plane crashes but i'm not scared of flying after watching it lol, in fact i enjoy it ( other than the fact that i gotta wake up early to catch the flight..)Or, u can sit near the emergency exit door, so u can be the first one to get outta there if something goes wrong. Close the window if you are afraid of watching the ground, most flights are very smooth, it might be a little harsh for you during take off and landing since the plane is not very stable at those status, it's gonna go up and down in the air, just keep your seat belt fastened and windows closed, or even your eyes closed  until it lands. Most plane use auto pilot all the way, right after take off to near landing so you got nothing to worry about. Take a medium sized plane like737,  757 or A320 if you are afraid of small plane's safety.

  9. I know it seems scary but once you take off it is actually kinda fun, and you can get a window seat and see how pretty the earth looks that high up. It makes me sooo motion sick though, if i dont take anythign i'm sooo close to puking the whole time, it's terrible, take some dramamine just incase. I also take this daily while at Disney since the rides can make me motion sick too, especially Star Tours at Hollywood Studios and SPace Mountain. If you get the regualr Dramamine it'll make you very sleepy so you can just rest on the airplane. Also, bring your MP3 player..but also most airplanes now have the XM satellite radio and they give you a new pair of cheap headphones so music makes it more calming. Also bring some of your favorite snacks, that may calm you too. Don't worry, just keep thinking I'm Going to DISNEY!!! woo hooo

  10. I would say if its THIS bad take 2 tylenol PM half an hour before you board, that way once you're on you can go to sleep

    Ive never flown either (YET) but im hoping to one day soon!

  11. Ok take this in mind. How many people die in car accidents everyday? Then take into mind about 500 people or less die in plane crashes.....they are the safest mode of transportation. Get with the times man, fly its 2008!

  12. Dont worry i have been on a plane many many many many times and it is perfectly fine its fun!!!or you can try to catch a train

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