
Im Scared of someone and I dont know why?

by  |  earlier

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Everytime I see him in school my heart beats really fast.

1.I dont have a reason to be scared of him. hes a really chill person.

2.Im not g*y so its not an infatuation.

3.Dont think its a phobia

Please Help




  1. He probably intimidates you either by subtle ways like manipulation, or makes you feel you can't be yourself.  That causes fear.  And they can appear a nice chill person, that's what makes it so subtle.

  2. hmmm i agree with above post. i helped me answer my questions too! haha

  3. Well, maybe this person intimidates you in some way that you are not really aware of.  I have gotten this feeling before.  Try identifying why you get this feeling like did you have a past relationship of friendship with him?  Maybe something about him scares you?  Don't worry it is no big deal.

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