
Im Scared of this woman?

by  |  earlier

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She is always saying nasty things under her breath and cursing and shouting cruel sarcastic remarks she thinks she is very good looking and finds fault with people who she thinks is ugly and makes them feel inferior why is she so spiteful and sarcastic all the time?She scares the daylights out of me and sometimes her eyes look so evil she looks like shes going to murder you can somethink be done to make her act different?




  1. You met my mother?

  2. i would steer clear of her if possible no joke she sounds a bit unstable and could really be dangerous i wouldnt do anything to provoke her just to be on the safe side

  3. People who act like that are usually very insecure and don't have good self esteem. I bet if you were very nice to her, she would start acting different around you. Don't be afraid of her, just strike up a conversation with her, if she doesn't respond, just keep saying hi to her asking her how her day is, saying that you like her clothes etc. Don't let her have power over how you feel and what you say, it just gives her more power........Good Luck

  4. sounds that you are talking about your own persona.

    I think you may suffer of schizophrenia.

    about the treatment...just stop the interdictions to what you want any time you want

  5. let me tell you  i used to be scared of almost everyone around me and they took that as an invitation more less  to do just what they wanted to do to me  some things worse than others but anyhow i would advise you that the next time she say anything to you about  the way you look or act or dress you stand up to her and say that god made you who you are and gave you what you have and it doesn't matter that its not good enough for her because its good enough for you and then give her a piercing look and hold her gaze straight on don't back down especially wen you get that far you have to finish what you start hold her gaze until she cant stand it and she turns and walks away

  6. Yeah just b i o t c h slap the witch

  7. She sounds like a bully, Ive always handled bullies straight on and found that soon as you do they back off but if you are too scared then just ignore her, she'll soon get bored.

  8. Sounds a bit narcissistic. She might have a touch of turrets. She also sounds a bit schizophrenic. Lol, ignore her there is nothing you can do.  

  9. Exactly who is this woman and why is she in your life?


    no old hag is going to put YOU down...

    you are beautiful and you know it. Next time she says any of those mean things that she says to you... stand up tall, look her in the face and tell her what you REALLY think of her.

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