
Im Traveling to Italy next November, What should I look forward too??

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Im going to:




Vatican City



.... Its for a school trip.




  1. Me, too. I'm going in November.

    The food, the wine, the sightseeing, the culture, the 'dolce vita', what's not to look forward to!

  2. My wife and I went there two years ago and I keep putting new pictures on the walls of my office that I took while I was there.  You will find the people friendly, the food marvelous, the cities old and wonderful and the experience of a lifetime.  When you get to Florence don't forget to go to St. Mark's Square and have the gelato.  You will love it.  Take lots of photos so that you can visit it time and again.  Oh yes, don't forget to try their toasted fromage and pomedoro sandwiches, cheese and tomato.  They are to die for.  Italia que bella.

  3. you`ll have a great time,  i live in Milan wich is known as a fashion capital of the world, rest of the cties, you`ll find your self in 1000`s years back in time.

  4. Great food, wonderful people, spectacular art & architecture, and the sense of centuries of history. You'll have a great time. I've been here for eight years and still go exploring almost every weekend.

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