
Im Trying To Start My Own Online Buisness Buisness Where Can I Find A Web Designer That Wont Charge Much?

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Or Noting at All I can Barely Pay My Regular Bills




  1. go to there you can make your own website for FREE

  2. Call a company that will set up a quote or budget for you. Ask a friend, see if a student wants to do it, and so forth and so on.

    Remember quotes are based on now and not the future so sometimes the website exceeds the quote and read some contracts carefully they can adjust.

    An online business isn't going to help you that much, especially if you don't know what you are doing.  

    A lot of people feel the same way you do.

  3. Rent A Coder is a pretty cool site.

    You post what project you want help with, and coders/designers bid for the project. You don't have to accept anyone's bid, and you can save money by having people compete for your business.

    Good Luck

  4. Alright, if you're trying to start a business online, I'm assuming that you already have a business idea, and perhaps model, in mind.

    The fact you don't divulge that idea on here is likely one of privacy and security to ensure that your unique mental properties. (that is your business idea) is not stolen out from underneath you.

    With those assumptions in mind for affordable webdesign you have two choices. One is learn to do it yourself, there are many excellent web-editors out there to help beginners, some cost money some do not. Check out They have a couple of editors.

    There are also dozens of sites set up to help people making websites. I suggest searching for free web templates. Such as those available at

    Of course if your business model requires a more advanced site, such as an e-commerce site. (Amazon, E-Bay etc.) just about anything that requires a "shopping-cart" programmed in CGI or PHP, it is probably easier to enlist help.

    There are TONS of web-designers out there, many will work cheap, but they need to eat also. I was suggest if you can checking out IRC chats on webdesign or posting an ad on the student-job board at your local colleges.

    Unfortunately the real cost comes from hosting and address registration. There are many many hosts to choose from (just search web hosting you'll see) Many will bundle various hosting packages for you, including your name registration which means one less thing for you to worry about. (Go-Daddy for instance)

    Most Internet Service Providers also offer hosting these days, but can't compete with the prices of those companies who specialize in web-hosting.

    Now what's really going to help you, if you do have an actual business model and plan laid out, there are often many grants and loans you can apply for locally/municipally/federally etc. designed to help (especially young) entrepreneurs. All you would need to do is present your business model and convince the bank/government that it's a good business idea.

    With a government grant under your belt you will be able to easily afford the cost of a web designer and hosting.

  5. Why don't you do it yourself with a template?

    The easiest way for a novice to build a web site is to start with a web template. Web Templates can be customized and you can use the layout but swap the graphics etc.... this will get you comfortable with basic HTML design and an HTML editor (like Dreamweaver).

    Here are some resources for free or inexpensive templates that are easy to edit and manage.

    Webmaster Templates -

    Free Web Templates -

    Web Design Elements -

    Free Website Templates -

    Free Layouts -

    Free Templates Online -

    HTML website templates can significantly ease the burden of designing and creating websites by providing webmasters with a ready-made web layout, structure, basic graphics, and color scheme.

    The templates can generally be edited and customized with any HTML editor. The biggest advantage for webmasters using ready-made templates is the amount of time that can be saved.

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