
Im Very Nervous?

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i have basketball try outs toxday and im a sophmore and i need to relax any tips i need to calm down somehow. please help




  1. drink hot herbal tea to calm down. make sure you have eaten a good meal recently [but not right before the tryouts].

    make sure you feel alert, but not hyped on anything like soda, energy drinks, coffee, tea, or even gatorade. it will just make your more nervous and you will feel jittery, and loose your stamina and endurance. get plenty of sleep, take a nap if you have to, and even try some meditation or yoga excercise. make sure your not stressed, it can follow you into your performance.

    most of all go out there and have fun knowing you did your best.

    good luck babe.

  2. Take deep breaths.  Have confidence.  Good luck!

  3. Don't worry about it. Every player, even the really good ones, get nervous before a big tryout or game. My varsity coach even said you play better when nervous. Just tell yourself that you'll be fine and take a deep breath. You'll have to learn to befriend the butterflies eventually.

  4. i sing to myself during vball tryouts, and i also pray...

  5. Just think if you really wanna get that spot put yourself in that spot and think what you would do. Then think that you can do it oh yeah and another thing never say you cant.

  6. This is what I do...

    Don't wanna sound too religious, but I pray, and suddenly I become calm because I have faith :P

    NOW for the answer you'd want,

    Breathe, and have some confidence.

    Be cocky if you need to.

    I sing infront of people often, and I get nervous a lot too,

    Just take deep breaths

  7. just chill

    listen to some music or something

    I'm a sophomore too and i get pretty nervous before volleyball

    but i just listen to  

    some classic rock  to get my mind off of every thing to just chill

    or lil Wayne gets me really pumped up

    hope i could help

  8. Just play like you are scrimmaging your friends, don't be AFRAID to mess up, also don't keep telling yourself that you are nervous, or that you are doing bad. Just give it all of your effort, stay positive, and have a good time. Remember: Basketball is made to be fun, so don't get too stressed out about it!!! BEST OF LUCK!!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

  9. It is all normal so don't worry. Everyone has that feeling, but someone would "show" more confidence than others. Just go to the tryout and enjoy your games and push-ups, you will be fine.
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