
Im a 13 year old boy... Is it normal for me to want to have Playboy posters on my walls?

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I turned 13 in february.. my friend Aaron got me a playboy mag for my B-day(brand-new) and theres a whack of posters in it... im just not sure if its normal for em to hang them on my walls..




  1. LOL...yes it's perfectly normal.  And probably won't change much between now and when you're 113!!!

    Now as to whether your Mom and Dad let you hang them on your bedroom walls...that may be a different story.

  2. I would think its normal for a 13 yr old boy to not only, want them on the wall, place them on the sheets, in the bathroom shower, in the closet, anywhere, anytime.  You are 13, of course its normal.

  3. of course its normal!

    your becoming a teenager, thats what happens!

    it would be abnormal if u didnt want these posters!

    playboy rocks btw. im a massive fan!

    good luck ♥

  4. yep, go for it.

  5. - it's completely normal

    - your hormones are kicking in and you'll be interested and curious about these kinds of things

    - your friends are probably going through this type of thing too... you just might not know it because they choose to keep it under wraps

    - this does NOT make you a pervert

    - people of all ages (and genders!) are interested in this type of stuff too, it's just that because it's new to you, you're un-sure about it being okay

    - to be honest, although it's common for people to be interested in this, age matters when it comes to you actually owning the material (that's why you have to be 18 to buy this sort of merchandise and why it's descibed as "adult")

    don't be in a hurry to grow up!

  6. dude yeah. im a 144 yr old girl and most of my guy friends r perverted, no offence, but its totaly normal just as long as ur parents dont c em, u should b fine. if they do, haha buddy ur screwd.

  7. haha. i guess it's normal. everyone goes through the same thing you are right now. it's called "growing up" or being mature. .... it depends on your family. if they're open to things like these then maybe you can hang them on your walls but if you have a conservative one, then i guess you just keep them under your bed, or in your closet or your drawers....

  8. Well it wouldn't be cool if you have a girlfriend. And personally, I think looking at p**n and playboy and stuff is desperate so I wouldn't. But if you want to, be my guest. It aint my posters.

  9. well it is normall for a guy to hang up pictures of play boy thats what my brother did when he turned 12 i am 13 and i think its weird how my mum goes in his room it still makes me laugh lol

  10. Perfectly normal.  When I was 18 or so, and in college, the guy living in the dorm room next to mine and I had a contest as we tried to see how many Playboy Playmates Centerfolds we could put on our walls, ceilings, doors and any other flat surface.  We even pasted them on our chest of drawers and then carefully cut slits across the Centerfold so we could open and close our chest of drawers to get our clothes.  Oh, and no duplicates were allowed.  I won because he had many duplicates.  God Bless you.

  11. yea... i would no. im a 13 year old grl and all of my guy friends are pervs (just saying, im sure ur a lovely boy)

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