
Im a 13 year old boy and i need a way to make some money in 3months?

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I'm finding it pretty hard to find a part time job and quite a few people are but i need some good suggestion and idea's.Please if you can answer this question it would be helping me a lot, i can only do after school jobs




  1. Sounds like you have something in mind that you either want to purchase, or want to do, or something that you need for school.  Three months is time enough to earn some cash, but you need to do a couple of things:

    1.  Figure out how much you need to have in the time period you've designated.  Then figure out how much per month you need and break it down by weeks.  Then set goals for yourself for each week.

    2.  Figure out what you can do well.  Maybe its gardening, washing cars, picking up dog p**p, mending, cookiing desserts etc.

    3.  Make fliers for your neighbors letting them know about your talents.  Also, let them know what you're saving for and they might have more "buy in" for your goals.

    4.  What can you sell online?  Consider an account with EBay.  Or consider a garage sale.  Check with the folks first, though, in case they have a preference in what you sell and what you don't.

    5.  Hit up your relatives. Grandma;s Grandpa's, aunts and uncles are all great resources for quick cash.

    6.  Talk to your folks about an increase in your allowance.  Offer to do chores outside of your regular ones and make sure to do them well and in a timely manner.

    Good luck!

  2. You're posting in the cooking section. If you know how to cook, you can probably find somebody who will pay you to cook an occasional meal for them in their home.  

  3. work part time in jewlery shop like selling them (bad choice)

    work at a deli

    work as a cashier

  4. when i was your age i used to deliver junk mail.there are lots of companies that need people to do this.try looking in local papers.or maybe dog walking?

  5. knock on neighbors doors, offer to cut grass, adults will normally like getting out of doing that.

    go to local car wash, their always looking for help, you might have to work for tips.

  6. ok, dont laugh, but try babysitting. I know its usually a girl job, but I bet a lot of parents would prefer to have their BOY child be watched by another boy. That way you can do fun stuff with him, like sports and go to the park and stuff.  I used to babysit and always had more fun with the girls, so maybe if I was a guy it would be more fun to watch the boy kids. Just a suggestion!

  7. Are you wanting a 'cooking' job? Is that why you posted your question in the cooking section?

    You could mow lawns. Wash Cars. Pick weeds. Sweep and net pools. (only if you know how to swim). Offer to do someone else's housework, like dusting ceiling fans, vacuuming, mopping, washing baseboards, washing windows on houses. Those are some options for you. :-)

  8. do stuff around the house and your parents might give some for whatever you need

  9. mow grass, do yard work

    clean houses


    run errands

    pet sit or dog wash

  10. be a paper boy or you can make a website and put ads on it but that might be too hard.

  11. you can run errands for elderly people/neighbors, clean yards, walk dogs, housesitter, buy huge bags of candy(or snacks) from wal-mart & put em in sandwich bags & sell them at school. sell juice boxes, wash cars

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