
Im a 13 year old cyclist and i need ways to improve my endurance and performance can someone help?

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Im a 13 year old cyclist and i need ways to improve my endurance and performance can someone help?




  1. Easy.

    Intervals and hill repeats.

    Intervals: Go as fast as you can as hard as you can over any known course until you have to stop. Rest (ride gently) until your heart rate goes back to near normal. Do it again...

    Hill repeats: Similar but more torture. Climb any hill as fast as you can. Repeat. See improvement? Find a bigger hill.

    The keys are intensity and frequency. Work hard and get on the bike and do something every day.

    Remember the rule of threes: Three days to stop hurting as much, three weeks to start feeling the difference, three months to start seeing it.

  2. There is only really one way to improve your endurance and performace, and that is to ride more.

    The best bet, and the most fun, is to do increasingly long rides, starting at 1 1/2 or 2 hours and pushing that to 4 hours.  Start doing 60km, and working your way up to 120km rides.  Adding in interval days to keep the mix interesting is a good idea too.

    There is another school of thought that claims improvements in endurance can be made with a series of high intensity intervals, but this is more of a winter training thing, since it's pretty boring to spend your life on rollers or a trainer.

  3. i would suggest cycling in your target heart rate of maybe 70% its not much but thats the zone you need to be in in order to build stamina.

    (220 - age) X .7= target heart rate of 70%

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