
Im a 13 year old girl and i want to start working?

by  |  earlier

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im 13 and i want to earn my own money. i want to start working during next years summer. can i llegally work if im 13? where can i work? any recommendations?




  1. Yeah.You can be illegally working by that age. But if the company or store you will be working is your aunt's or uncle's, I think you can handle 'em.

  2. Unless you live in a foreign country where they still illegally hire young girls for slave and textile work, the only options you will have are to go door to door and ask people if they have any random chores they can pay you for.

    Talk with your parents about jobs you can do around the house as well. Extra ones. ON TOP of what you already do as your chores. Don't ask to be paid for things you are already required to do. After all, you eat, shower, live, and sleep there for free!!

    That at least will be a start and your parents can tell you what's good and what's not (say you didn't vacuum under the rugs or didn't dust behind the books) so that if you find other people who are needing these things done, you will know you can do a good job at it.

    Rake and bag leaves, water plants, vacuum and dust people's houses on the weekends, help someone set up for a yard sale. Anything of the sort. Things that need done but not everybody enjoys doing and tend to put off until it NEEDS to be done.

    You could also try babysitting if you can find families in your area that will allow you to watch their children. I, personally, wouldn't let a 13 year old watch my children - no matter how mature they are - but there may be some who will or maybe you can find families who just need an extra hand during the day. Say, a mom with four or five children whose husband is gone all day or maybe deployed with the military who just needs an extra hand but won't necessarily be leaving you in charge of all of the children.

    Make sure you have a fee in mind as well. It's great to tell people they can pay you what they can afford but a lot of people will take advantage of that and pay you way less than they should. Talk to your parents about what a good rate would be  - you may even have to have different ones for different jobs - and how many hours per day you can spend at someone's house.

    Ask around about summer programs your schools may have. Sometimes, schools hold daycare-like events for young children and you could possibly help out with that and get paid. I did that once when I was about 14. I didn't get paid as it was a part of a church mission trip but if it's local and they need some extra help with the children, they may consider paying you. And you'll have fun while you're at it as well.

  3. In most states you have to be either 14 or 16 to work legally.  I understand the need for your own money, however.  You may have a few options.  First would be a paper route.  As goofy as it sounds, paper routes actually pay decent money (sometimes even above minimum wage).  Second would be babysitting.  Do you know any family friends who need a sitter?  Can they refer you to someone?  When I was your age I would sit a few kids and make up to 60 dollars for a Friday night!

    Good luck!

  4. A person can legally work at the age of 16. They can work at 15 if the employer allows it and if the person gets permission from their parents plus a work permit. At 13, the best job you can have would be babysitting, doing various chores for people who will pay you for it. Basically nothing where you would be on an actual payroll.

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