
Im a 14 year old and really want to get a job?

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ANyone kno what r good places to get a job in massachusetts for 14 year olds? I realy dont like fast food places or supermarkets or like dog walking. All the places i like hire 15 or 16 year olds wat can i do?? anything would be appreciated




  1. it depends on where you live but here in tennessee nobody hires a 14 year old,and to be completely honest its hard to find a job down here at 15.employers only like to hire people with drivers linces and a bit of independance-it could be differnt in your state but prolly not-sorry

  2. submit applications even if they only hire older people.

    and if they need someone they will call you. can help, maybe.

    answer mine?

  3. Why do you want a job so early? Baby sitting is the only job I can think of. and yeah most places don't hire 14 year olds, so you kind of screwed. But your 14 why do you want a job, just ask your parents for cash.

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