
Im a 14 year old student with an IQ of 119 and apparently i still need sen speical educational needs

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when i was in my first years of school i was said to have been aggresive and and did not communicate with my peers ok well that was 8 1/2 years ago and now i have freinds and im not aggressive i think its UTTERLY DIABOLICAL what do you think




  1. SEN pupils do not always have academic needs.   Frequently their needs are social/communication/behavioural.   You need to discuss this reaonably with your teacher - of course if you get angry that will strengthen their case.

  2. you were probably easily annoyed

    help me?;...

  3. Ok...from a special education teacher here, what no one is remembering, is that:

    1.  Special education is a SERVICE, NOT a PLACE!  This means that your teachers are not necessarily helping you with your educational needs, but possibly still your emotional needs.  By your question alone, I can still hear a POSSIBLE bit of emotional control....simply suggesting that maybe you could use a teacher consulting with your regular educators for one more year to give those teachers ways to teach you that are best for you!  What most students, parents, and even teachers forget, is that special education can be more of a way of teaching teachers, once the student is at your level, than the "typical" idea of special education.  

    In addition to which, at age 14, you are probably going into high school, which is the highest year for failure!  Any student who has special education services whould never have them taken away from them in this year.  It would be a disservice to you!!

  4. yeah, the education we get in this country is bad. btw, shouldnt you be in school?

  5. i think you should stop.

    nothing forces you to be aggressive

  6. Have you ever been diagnosed with anything like Asperger's Syndrome, or ADHD, or Autistic Spectrum Complex?  Perhaps you have a Learning Disability (NOS), like a non-verbal LD.  Things like Dyslexia would warrant some specialized education,  even though the student would be of average or above average intelligence.  Dysgraphia (difficulty writing) is also a reason for Sp Ed, for an otherwise intelligent student.  Itinerant support services through your Intermediate Unit work just as well as specialized education.  Perhaps you just have anger-management issues, and have learned better coping techniques.  Do you have an IEP?


  7. your school wants a specialised grant

    and they'll diagose anyone with anything just because the criteria does actually fit anyone

  8. Wow, your just like me! I had that same problem until I showed them that I was smarter than some of the advance students in my class. Just show them you don't belong in special classes anymore.  

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