
Im a 15-year-old sophomore male and short (4'2"). I need advice. Help!?

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Im a 15-year-old sophomore male and short (4'2") and Im in marching band. Since Im short, I have to make my steps larger than other people's steps. It hurts like c**p. Any advice to help my steps in marching?




  1. Not a whole lot that you can do there. Just keep trying and take the big steps. Or drop out of marching band if it hurts you to much.  Go to the doctor and get checked to see if there is a reason why you haven't grown taller. There are some med's they give to some people to help them grow taller. Don't worry so much about being short and enjoy high school and have fun.

  2. i feel bad for you

  3. jump

  4. quit the band unless you like it a lot. just work hard pray to god to make u taller.

  5. hey i was in band. but i think there nothing u can do but make larger steps. when u do right and left pinwheels try 2 b the person on tha end or close 2 that person on the end who dosnt hardly move. good luck

  6. your a migidt

  7. if ur 4'2" then ur a legit MIDGET lmao go find a midget chick nd make some small babies!

  8. Umm I really don't know how you can help that... just make sure you don't jump because your gonna look like a bunny hopping across the place. (No offense)

  9. I am so ashamed to be human if the rest of these idiots call themselves human too.

    I am short, too.  When I was in the military I had to lengthen my stride a lot.  It helped to swing my hips as I stepped.  Try to stay off your toes as much as possible because it can contribute to stress fractures and those aren't fun.  When I say stay off your toes, it's because I used to put a spring into my step using my toes to maybe get another couple of inches with each stride.  Don't do that!  Good luck to you.

    BTW, the idiot comment wasn't for the ones who are honestly trying to help.

  10. Get some advice from the gym teacher on the right exercises, especially stretching exercises, which require warm-up exercises before attempting them. You absolutely NEED to exercise for those long strides If you don't care for exercise, you can't get much help in that area. Also make sure you get the most suitable footwear to help your gait.

  11. firstly, ignore the rude comments on here. people are just waisting their time. one of my best guy friends is around your height and tells me about problems like these at times..

    sometimes doing lunges and all will help build leg muscle and ease the tension of making large steps. if you jump it may look a little bit funny. try not to step toe-first because that can hurt (i used to whenever i did tredmill stuff, eased tension when i stopped though), and using your hips to aide your momentum (like swinging em) will probably help too.

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