
Im a `16 year old boy and i believe i may be suffereing from some sort or depression?

by  |  earlier

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i have been feeling really sad, stressed, drifting from family, lots of thoughts about death, no energy, and not wanting to do anything.

i am a heavy user of extacy, its something im trying to stop. ive been doing it every weekend for the past 20 odd weeks and feel this may be causing the problem. im too afraid to tell my parents and they know something is up. i want some advice and help i dont know what to do.




  1. you ar too young to fall prey for such things....dont be a slave to your a master of your mind and control your addiction.

    Read my first post. It will help you.

    Talk to your parents....only they can help you...they will not hate you...beleive me....dont spoil your health.

    Life is meant ot be enjoyed...u must travel around the world and see god's wonderful creation. To do all that u need to have energy....plz read my blod...i am sure it will help you.

    God Bless you Kid.

  2. Ok...the problem is ecstacy messes with a lot of the hormones in your body.  Now because of patient confidentiality laws you can see a doctor without telling your parents.  In the past I have been in your shoes and I know you don't want your parents to know due to fear of how they will act so there is no judgement there.  

    Anyhow...back on subject...ecstacy messes with your seratonin which is your feel good is possible that you have burned your body out from constant use.  You need to stop doing it...the more you use the worse it is going to get.  You need to see a doctor explain to your doctor the situation and the often...and for how long.  It is possible that you have depression enduced by heavy ecstacy usage...if you stop using and get some sleep drink plenty of water it is possible that it could go back on its own...but there is the possibility that you may need meds to correct it.

    A friend of mine had the same problem...he couldn't even get out of the bed because he was too weak and unwilling.  

    If I were you I would also speak to a therapist...someone you could share your feelings with...drug use is a temporary escape from the problems that you will eventually have to return to...I know because I have been there and done that.  Talk to makes a world of a difference.  I have been sober for 3 years now...I suffered too long before I sought out help!  

    Good luck kiddo!

  3. Ecstasy is the main cause of this depression. I have used it before, and know what you are going through. The Ecstasy exhausts the serotonin your brain creates, and if you use it every week, you're generally using more of it than your brain can make, causing strain. I would seriously suggest abstaining from it for 2+ months. Also, there is a supplement called 5-HTP, which you can buy at Walgreens that can raise brain serotonin levels in your brain and may be useful to curing your depression. Good luck.

  4. Tell your parents.  Yes, they might be mad, but at the same time they will be thankfull to know what is going on with their kid.  They will also help you get help with your drug problem.  Your parents are always there to love an support you and help you through rough times.  This is one of the times you need their help.

  5. you need to channel your time into something more creative or productive that you can spend time at are you good at anything what do you enjoy? woodworking,music? painting? sports or just plain working to take some time up and be with good people.  

  6. I think it would be best to open up to your parents, admit you made a mistake and they can help you work through this. It does sound like you have depression, but it made be caused from the drugs.

    If you can't go to your parents, then go to a friend that doesn't do drugs and ask them for help.  

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