
I`m a New Zealander. I can`t seem to find work in Germany. Can anyone help me?

by Guest62520  |  earlier

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I`m a male. I will do any kind of work. Will be greatful if you point me to a good website.




  1. It's strange that a New Zealander comes over to Germany to find a job. Normally it's the other way around.

    Anyway, first of all you need a work permit and speaking German is usually expected. Then you also need a permit for to stay in Germany - at least for a certain time.

    But to tell you the truth - it's even more than hard for Germans to find a job because we don't have enough or have just sorts of c**p-jobs.

    Do you really want to work in an underpaid job?

    Think about this. I believe it's better to find a job in New Zealand anyway. And much easier as well.

    But if you intend to work here I'd like to wish you good luck!

  2. Do you live in Germany? If so, you could get a job teaching English as a second language, provided that you have at least a Bachelor's Degree. Try:

  3. Welcome to the club, I'm German with a business degree and can't find a job in Germany either. Have you tried temp agencies yet?

  4. Wow..that is almost hard to belive that you can't find any job if you are willing to work ANY kind of job....

    Where in Germany are you located???

    Here is a website in English:

    here are the German websites:

  5. Neither can Germans. That is why a lot of Germans are in the US working at petrol stations and Mcdonalds.  They figure if they can only get crappy paying jobs they might as well do it in the US where the taxes are lower

  6. That doesn't surprise me.  I was told that if my German isn't 100% correct, the best I could hope for would be cleaning toilets or stocking shelves in a grocery store.  There would be no chance for me to work as a secretary, which is what I did in the States.  Do you speak any German?  You might be able to find something at a temp agency.  Were you already at the Arbeitsamt (employment office)?  You also have to have an Arbeitserlaubnis (work permit).  You can get that at the Einwohnermeldeamt (don't know what that one would be called in English).

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