
Im a boring and dry person to talk to! How do I start becoming better?

by  |  earlier

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I currently have a set of friends who are extremely huge chatterboxes and talking about everything and anything is too ordinary. Yet, I am the reverse, so they fully take no notice of me in our group if I have nothing to contribute to the discussion. If I ever do have the nerve to say something, it often doesn’t please them.

It’s official that I am a boring and dry person to talk to. I don’t think I can carry a conversation to anybody because of them.




  1. I don't think you are necessarily a dull dry person. You may have to find different people that you fit in with. That doesn't mean abandon your friends but perhaps you do not have much in common with them.

    Not everyone is good at small talk. I personally find it painful and pointless for the most part unless you are trying to get to know a new person. I prefer substantive conversations whereas most people may think it too boring and prefer celebrity news.  

  2. You can't change who you are, just try to be more out going.

  3. What interests you? What hobbies do you have? What are you passionate about? Do you think these things might make you a better conversationalist? Maybe you aren't with the right group of people? Why do you think they are displeased? Are you not showing sensitivity? Could you be misinterpreting the reaction?

    In one book I read about conversations, it was to listen to what the other person says and to ask them questions. Listen more than you talk. I find it difficult when there are lulls in the conversation or if you don't want to get too personal.

    I think you need to be perhaps less critical, more accepting, or find a group that you relate to more.   I'm not a great conversationalist myself. I'm a bit shy. I don't speak eloquently. Just try. I find people are actually pretty nice.

    edit: Something I first read in a book and have put into practice on occasion is to inject news topics that interest you. Have you heard...  Did you see...

  4. guess you need to ask yourself if you are a part of that group to please them, or to please yourself.  and if it is to please them, why?

    seriously, if they were your friends they would be interested in hearing anything you have to say, as you make it evident they do not, I submit that these are not friends, these are aquaintances and you can do better.  Find new friends who show an interest in things that interest you, there are clubs and groups galore out there, sharing a common interest gives plenty of subject matter for good conversations.

  5. t might just be that you think that your boring and dry, rememebr these are your friends and not your boss, don't feel bad just to throw your 2 cents into the convo, perhaps you have apoint of view that other havent seen.

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