
Im a father of a 18y/o girl who has a 8week old son, when they come stay with me im not sure what im to do.?

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im a father of a 18y/o girl who has a 8week old son, when they come stay with me im not sure what im to do as ive not lived with my daughter in years & im remarried etc, my daughter comes with her baby son & fiance, i get along great with her fiance & love my grandson emensly, but when im near my daughter we seem to be a bit lost for words & uneasy, id love them to move to the town i live in so i can see my daughter more & become more a father to her & be good grandfather to my grandson, when they leave its like i feel depressed & i become hurting & sad without them here, any ideas on how to get my daughter to see how i feel about wanting her in my life more?




  1. Tell her!  Say things like, "It would be great if you lived closer so we could see more of you."  "I would love it if you thought about moving here so we could spend more time together."  Even look around at housing they can afford and show her apartments or houses that you think might me in their price range so she knows you're serious!

  2. Find things to do together, compliment her and spoil her. These things help her feel wanted an loved.

    When I say Spoil her, I don't mean with money. Spend time with her and say nice things to her, even if it's just, "that's a pretty hair cut".

    I think you may be at a lost on how to be around her is because you are a man and she is your grown little girl. You seem to relate easier with men than women because many women are more emotional than logical.

    Tell her how you feel, but it doesn't mean you have to sit there and say how you feel every 10 minutes. Tell her you would love to get to know her better and ask her how she thinks it could happen. It takes two people to make a relationship better.

  3. Wow, you seem like such a wonderful grandfather and father already.  Just tell her how you feel, and let her know that you want to be closer to them geographically, but at the same time, respect their right to live where they want to live, and be nice and supportive of your daughter and her new family.  You can  mke sure that you tell her how proud you are of her for being a good Mom (she's probably a little nervous about it, and it helps when people tell her she's doing a good job), and offer help by babysitting when she's in town.  The fact that you're close to her fiance is a wonderful thing too.  Keep that up!  Just let her know how you feel, and keep things positive when she's in town.  Everyone wants to have a cheerleader in their lives, and the more positive you are about her, the more she will want to be around you.

  4. Considering that I lost my father when I 16 and I know the enormous vacancy that is there.  I would recommend you talking to her, seeing if there's anything you can do, and it would be great if you just tell her what you've told us, just be 100% with her, let her know how you feel.

  5. Please open up to her and soon and tell her how you feel. I applaud the fact that you are a father who is remarried and still reaching out to have a relationship with your daughter from a previous relationship.(Let me clear this up my father re married and forgot all about me when he started a new family so I am so happy to see that you are trying to reach out) Tell her that you love her and the baby and cant imagine living life without seeing them more often. Just open up to her and things will flow from there. Good Luck

  6. Tell her. I bet she is feeling the same way and she would love if you opened up to her. You can call her or even email if thats better for you. But she will be so happy to hear that you want to be closer to her and her family. If my Dad told me that I would be so elated. That would really touch me. Life is short so don't let time go by with feelings you never express. Now is the best time to say whats on your mind.

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