
Im a female and I had a dream I was a male, whats this mean?

by  |  earlier

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yeah last night i dreamt that i killed a guy and i reported it to the police that he died accidentally so they were gonna question me so i was kinda anxious and trying to figure out a good story of how he "accidentally" died. I remember being in a resturant with "my girlfriend" and i was a guy and the waitress was hitting on me then i was bein rude some of the guys sittin at the table cause they were trying to talk to "my girlfriend".

I just find this weird cause im a girl and ive never dreamt i was a guy before so do you think theres a meaning to dreaming of being a guy & if so what is it? thanks




  1. If you dream about being the opposite s*x it generally means that you might be longing for characteristics of men that are valuable, or, wishing you were able to get the same respect as a man. Have you been feeling hyper-aware about gender differences lately? That could also cause you to dream like this.

    It could also mean the opposite - that you are strong in your masculine side as well as your feminine. You are so well developed in both genders emotionally that in the dream state your subconscious is projected as either male or female, depending on your feelings & the circumstances surrounding your day before you went to bed.

    The latter would probably be the case if you had dreamed you were a man before or frequently.

  2. Idk but try or

  3. It could be a past life...telling you you were a guy before you were in this life!!

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