
Im a former heroin addict and am having the urge to use it again. what should i do?

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Im a former heroin addict and am having the urge to use it again. what should i do?




  1. One word... DON'T. If Heroin abuse was a healthy and beneficial habit for you than you never would have stopped. You know better than most people whatever reason you quit for is why you shouldn't. You already have done the hard part. If thats not enough remember what you and your friends who used went through or call a support group they are easy to find on a search engine. I know your strong enough because you have already proved it. God bless.

  2. As a heathcare worker, and from working with detox patients who have addiction problems, I suggest calling a helpline, or going to your doctor or local ER.  They can help you keep up the fight!  

    I give you credit for quitting the first time, you don't want to have to quit a second time right?  I'm sure the withdraws were not fun at all, and just think, if you do it just once, you have to quit all over again!

    It's not worth it and you can do it, just believe in yourself and get help!

    Best of luck to you! :)

  3. stay away from anything that would make you relapse, find NA group close to you and find a friend that can help you to get through it.

  4. good work son on your abstaining and seeking help...Do seek a AA or NA meeting a.s.a.p.

    also a medical Dr. can prescribe METHADONE for you this will help curb the urge and keep you off H.

    Read an excellent book "In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts" by Dr. Mate Gabor.

    Good luck and God Bless.

  5. call your sponsor and don't do it.

  6. do some heroin

  7. You should call a supportive freind or hotline,Also beef up on b vitamins big time.Try blackstrap molasses in soymilk or else cow milk.If your body is really healthy you may not crave heroin as much.See everybodys body is made up of chemicals and you need to keep yourself healthy.Heroin is really evil so try to see it that why.Its so persausive but you can do it.Also pray and ask others to pray for you.I will. Trying to get lots of vitamins and brain food to get yourself straightened out.Exercise as a hobby.Dancing or jogging even singing uses calories and releases endorphins.Its a good way to deal with stress.

  8. There is a prescription Pill for getting over addictions

    I can't recall the name

    Get it from your Doctor

  9. Start going to NA meetings NOW!

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