
Im a full time college student but i have been summon for jury duty?

by Guest64647  |  earlier

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i was told that there was no way i could get out of it, even if im a full time student. i really dont want to miss class. any ideas???




  1. Truthfully, it is a wonderful experience, you will learn a lot, do your civic duty

  2. Civic duty...... its no different for working people that have to miss a days pay. It doesn't come up that often. Just go and get it over with.

  3. I just went through this same thing with my son. He is a full-time student also and got a summons for jury duty.

    I typed out a letter to the Clerk of the Court and explained about his situation, the Clerk wrote back excusing my son from jury duty.

    Also, check your school's policy on this, they all have some sort of procedure, they may even send the letter for you.

  4. Whoever told you "no way out" doesn't know how the system works.  First, you have not been summoned to sit on a jury, but rather for the panel from which a jury will be selected.  When you arrive at court, tell the Jury Clerk about your situation.  If he doesn't have authority to excuse you immediately, you will have a chance to tell a Judge your story later in the day.  Any judge who would keep a student from attending classes should not be a judge.  I am sure you will be excused.  Hope this helps.  Good luck!

  5. Who told you you couldn't get out of it?  If it wasn't the Judge, it means nothing.  Get a letter from one professor that says you shouldn't miss class.  Bypass the clerk's office and send a letter to the Judge him/herself.  Tell the judge you would be happy to serve in the future, but cannot miss classes.  Tell him you understand the importance of jury duty, but your education must come first at this time. However, be prepared to attend the first day in order to get the judge to excuse you.  I'm a lawyer and none of my judges would make you serve.

  6. No, you can't get out of it, but most jurisdictions will allow you to postpone until a more convenient date.  There is usually something about this in the summons.  If not, call the court clerk for info.

  7. It is your duty. There is a chance that you won't be called. You can ask to be dismissed because of school and to be called at a future date. My mother did that. I hung out and did not get called. I think I was on panel 5 or 6. I had to call a number and they told me I was not needed. I have not been called since.

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