
Im a girl that wants to try out for football but I dont know how!? All help wanted?

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Ok so I have been playing football since I was like shoot maybe 8 or 9 yrs old. I have played at lunch with the guys during recess I got so good that during P.E I was always picked first by the guys who played on the school team. My position that I am best at is Deffensive line man, all though I have played at school for all those years I want to play on a team! So I decided to try out but I want to know what I will need to do to tr for a team! thank you




  1. Talk one-on-one with the coach and demonstrate by your attitude and behavior that you are serious.  

  2. Your goals would be to Bench press your body weight

    break 5 flat in the 40 yard sprint

    and simply attend pre-season training after talking to the coach.

    Have fun

  3. well it would be tough cuz if ur the D-line you have to up against men who r 300 pounds so this acquires some serious serious very serious weight lifting if you want to be on a D-line you have lift close to 250-300 pounds  

  4. Go for it, but guys will always be slappin your ***. :)

  5. High Schools vary. But DL is usually the domain for the slowest (over long distance they still need to be quick) and heaviest (Muscle, not fat).  Does that describe you?

    Morons will say girls can't play.  Yup, without a p***s you'll be at a serious dis advantage.:)

    Seriously, if you are the best defensive line man, your lack of a p***s is irrelevant.

    Not because you are a woman, but have you considered line backer or safety?  I assume your body type may not be Defensive lineman.

    A Line Backer and Safety have to be smarter, as being really athletic but 15 steps from where you should be is a problem.

    Your coach will have a better idea than me.

    Oh is high school too old?  Try a kicker.  At puberty, guys get the ability to put on more muscle mass - Testosterone, a normal male hormone, is a steroid, Estrogen, the female equivalent, isn't.  You will get passed as a Defensive Lineman, etc. because they (offensive linemen) will get stronger.

    If you learn to kick, or long snap, the skill will always be more important than the physicality.

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