
Im a great actress but how do i get reconized?

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I am a Great actress (says the people from my school John Robert Powers) But i have low self esteam and i think im ugly.

And i cant try out like this cause then im embarrased looking at all the other WAY prettier girls. So how do i up my looks/self esteam!?




  1. im sure ur not ugly. no one is ugly, everyone is unique tho. good unique or not so good unique is the difference but seriously look at some great actresses who are on the not-so-good-qunique side. they made it because they shoved their insecurities aside and said to themselves 'im going to do this and i want to suceed, i may not be the prettiest girl here, but i have tremendous talent and im going to use it!' that agency is a fake they want ur money send ur headshot/resume into REAL agencies and maybe one of them will accept u, but in the meantime audition for local theater and open casting call, break a leg!

  2. wear boy clothes with a big flat cap and draw a fake beard on your chin with biro dots.. maybe a eye patch

    then kick people with your big boots..

    it worked for me.

  3. Hon, only a Talent Agent, CastingDirector or Producer can determine if you are a great actress.  

    Never listen to anyone at JRP, they only want your $6,000.00  They will tell a Giraffe, it looks beautiful, as long as it gives them $6,000.00.

  4. doesnt matter if ur ugly

    you got talent so go to holly wood

    and show it off

  5. Believe in yourself, sounds corny, but hey, that's seriously the truth.  Look in the mirror every day and physically say out loud that you're the best thing you've ever seen.  And I think just the mentality you'd get from that will help you out a lot.

  6. get breast implants... go nude... you'll get my attention

  7. I don't know what to tell you about looks, i don't know what you look like. However, looks and confidence are not totally hand in hand.  You can be confindent knowing you are good at what you do.  That's what makes the difference between fake and real people.  Wear a smile because you know that you do what you do best.

  8. doent matter if you're ugly or preety if you see on tv there are plenty of ugly girls working and they've made it..want 2 know there secret?

    truth is they feel preety and you should to no matter how ugly feel preety inside and you''ll look preety outside to also have confidence it''ll help you step up!

  9. wear a namebadge.

  10. Nice "favors".  How do you think Jessica Alba and Sarah Michelle Gellar got to be actresses?

    If you are actually a good actress unlike the two above, I would recommend looking out for auditions for parts for movies that are going to be coming out in the next 2 years.

    For example, we know that Tim Burton's Alice and Wonderland is coming out in 2010.  There were auditions being held for the part of Alice.  These are the types of auditions I'm talking about. =)

  11. depends on age go to 1-800-kid-star

  12. Act pretty? What makes you feel good about yourself normally? Just use that to get yourself up and out there to audition and then your true talent will shine through no matter what =D

  13. If you think youre ugly, why dont you get a make over for self-esteem and we have actors and actresses of all shapes and sizes. You never know if your the perfect person their looking for. Good Luck!

  14. maybe try to do some modeling that can get u in acting pretty good and its way easier to try and model hope i helped

  15. A good part of beauty is confidence.  I suspect many of the greatest beauties on Earth have insecurities, they just hide it well.  The important thing is to act the confident person, that will help your acting talents as well. I actually make movies as a extra, and many of the top actors are terribly insecure, they just smile and don't let people see it.

  16. First, you must learn to spell.

  17. To be a good actress you can't care w/ others think of you

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