
Im a guy. is shaving your arms bad?

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i just shaved my arms haha

didnt really care. i just got in the shower and shaved but is that bad? like what happends after you do it?




  1. It's a myth.  It doesn't grow back thicker, but the hair does not grow back smooth and straight, so it gives the look of thicker hair.  Your hair will grow back almost straight-like until it gets long enough to curl back like it did when you originally shaved.  When I was a teen I shaved my arms, now I don't do it anymore and the hair is not thick at all.  You're a guy, you shave your arms.  So what?  I'm sure you look fine!

  2. any guy that shaves anywhere besides his junk is considered g*y.. ;o

  3. Grows back thicker!

  4. I don't think that it's bad, you're just not really supposed to do it. It's kind of like shaving your eyebrows, I guess.

  5. no

  6. it's not bad. Don't swimmers do that to improve speed in the water?

    the hair just grows back over time.  

  7. I dont know

  8. It's your body.  The hair does not grow back thicker and fuller as some might suggest, this has been proven numerous times just look it up on google.  It is an old wive's tale that originated because of the look during the intermediary stages of growing.  Think about it, the hair follicles are well underneath the skin and hair itself is dead so you're just chopping off the dead hair and the hair follicles are unaffected completely.

  9. well...ur pretty hot so i dont think anyone is going to be looking at ur arms..but no nothing bad happens..a lot of people say it grows back thicker but thats not just looks thicker cuz it was all gone

  10. strange but ok, please look \/;...

  11. It will grow back. Nothing happens.  

  12. well it will be all smoth and in a week or so, BAM! your hair will be back!

    Hair likes to make frequent visits!  

  13. nothing happens at all its just not something guys do.....

  14. not if your a swimmer.

  15. no its just really g*y

  16. That's taking manscaping a little too far.

  17. yes, because then you'll have pubes growing out of your arms. lets hope you have light thin hair on your arms. what were you thinking? i suppose, nothing.

  18. Well, it is going to grow back thicker, but also darker and more course. Also if you shave it alot it will grow back faster, and if you miss a day or so it will get very prickly and look wierd.

  19. it just grows back, nothing happens..

  20. nothing happens, you just seem.....well, g*y. Unless your a swimmer, then thats different.

  21. lol, well your name is "abercrombieSTUD" so yea, a guy liek you shoud shavce his arms, why not ur legs!!!! girly guy

  22. No. Swimmers do it to move faster. Doing it for no reason though is kinda foolish. Not to mention a bit g*y

  23. its not true anything about growing thick or thin, it will be totally normal,its going to take long to be normal probably a month or so, to me as g*y looks cleaner and better but if you have a lot of hair its going to be a pain in your ***, don't be afraid to do different things, try here and there, life is so short that its a lot of people tha they die with out even try a change in there ouwn bodie what you think??  

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