
Im a huge fish lover....?

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im basically an expert so i love learning more info about fish i have a 10 gallon aquarium set up with 2 dalmation mollys and 1 rainbow shark so how that sound good well hope it dose now what eles should i get with them the tank is heated filterd ect... so what other fish would be good tank mates thanks




  1. haha. your expertise is quite astounding.  but im gonna go with my instincts on this on and call bull$hit

  2. if you are an expert then why are you asking questions about simple things like that. sounds to me like your trying to be an expert at bullshi!!ing people. well you fail at that too i guess

  3. if your a tank expert than you should know that aquarium is not large enough for the rain bow shark asnd the rainbow shark can get agressive and tear up your other fish!

    you should get rid of the shark and get other live bearers(guppy, sword tail, platy, molly, balloon molly ect.).

    all live bearers think that other live bearers are there species!

    also if you would like you can get a FEMALE betta.  I found out that bettas think that they are live bearers the hard way.

  4. if your such an expert you should know you shouldnt add any more fish to a ten gal tank

  5. are you sure your an expert? if you are then you should know the rainbow shark needs to be in a 90 gallon or more you also need to get one more molly since they like to be in schools but first get the shark out of the tank then add the molly and 6 neon tetras

  6. Definately some platys the are peaceful and they LOVE other fish

  7. Um, I hate to burst your bubble, but it wouldn't be wise to get any more tankmates for these guys. The rule for tropical fish is 1 inch of fish for each 1 gallon of water. Plus, rainbow sharks need lots of room, at least 25 gallons for an adult. ( Dalmation mollies get bigger as well, usually about 2-3 inches. And I don't know if it is a good idea to keep these with the rainbow shark...they might be fine now but when the shark gets bigger, it may attack smaller fish. My suggestion is get a much bigger tank, and definitely don't add fish to what you have now. Good luck! =)

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