
Im a huge procrasinator how can i change my ways?

by  |  earlier

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no rude comments, i have no self disaplain, and i know its my fault, but im lazy and put things off.

i really gotta chage my ways, i dont want my whole life passing before my eyes anymore, cuz im messing around on the computer and stuff!

nooo rude comments, ive had this prob for like 3 years now, cuz i became like a hermit crab, when i didnt fit in at my school, but i moved to a new school and made new friends now im just a procrasinator,shy, lazyand dont wanna do anthing, and just dream, but never do anything.

yeah confusing...... just help!




  1. Worry about it latter.

  2. i am just like that in a way. i dont wanna do something and there is a deadline coming up. What i am doing though is starting out small. setting what i have to do each day. for example : write 50 words today, read 5 pages. like that. try it. and when you feel like having fun. turn on the music in your room and just stay there working instead of going out and partying and hanging with friends. and if you want put in a movie. you will get a little bit done but its better than nothing. or pull your self together and be like "WHAT THE EFF ARE YOU DOING!!! GET IT DONE ALREADY" cuz if you just get it finished now. you have all that other time left that you wouldn't have if you kept worrying about getting your c**p done you know? well hope that helped

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