
Im a junior nvr played volleyball should i try out?

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i rly want to be on the team. i have a good attitude and determination. theres 28 girls trying out. and the coach said he is only going to take 20 girls or less :[

and only 3 girlss have nvr played before and im one of them :[

im willing to learn everything and practice practice practice

but ive barely ever touchedd a volleyball in my life

so ive been practicing a lot these few weeks. its just i dont wanna go through the 2 months of practinn an conditioning and end up being cut when i coulda got more hours at my work.

so should i try out?

what can i do to try and impress the coach on my first day of open gym on monday?

any techniques for a beginner?

do u think ill make it?

thanksss :] im 17 by the wayy




  1. Don't take this personally, but unless you feel you have a natural ability at it, I wouldn't recommend trying out. It took me almost 3 years to become good.. . However, you can try a few camps and see you good you are then. If you want to impress the coaches, run at open gym (for conditioning)

  2. This is my opinion. DO IT! It's totally worth the try! I think it kinda depends on your schools coach, because i heard that some coaches only like club players and they only make the team, but i think that is c**p! You could be just as good. If you have a good attitude and determination then GO FOR IT!

    Hope my opinion helped

  3. frankly its a little late for you to start volleyball most girls at your age have been playing since about 7th or 8th grade so they have years of experience you dont have. wouldnt reccommend it but you can try

  4. when i was in 6th gread i never ever thought of me playing volleyball and when i tryed out i didnt have knee pads spandex or any exserpnce. and my best freiend dared me to try out.  i made it i made it on top of all the club players the coach said i was relaly good for never playing club so i think you should you never know what you are capable of!!!

  5. Yeah, you should definately try out!!! Many coaches want players with a good attitude. I have never played on an actual team b4, and I just made jv as a freshman!!! Trying out can never hurt, and if you don't make it just practice, so you can make it as a senior!

  6. It could be very difficult to make the team as a beginner unless you schools volleyball team sucks... Your coach is only allowed 12 on varsity so he isn't taking 20 girls unless he is putting 8 more on JV with a few freshmen. Most high schools in the US don't have juniors with "0" experience in any sport tryout and make it on the team. Unless your 6 foot tall and could just learn to block middle your not going to be a prime pick for the coach. If you want make the team that should find a person willing to train you in the summer or a player that is a friend who would workout with you. It is possible that all of your own training is flawed since you have zero experience. How can you being training yourself correctly if you have never played? It will be a difficult challenge for you to make it so it is up to you...nobody can do it for you. If you have the drive, determination and motivation a person can do anything...DO YOU HAVE IT?

  7. well u probably dont have a good chance only because you dont have the exprience. i have been playing since i was in 4th grade and i am barely considered and excellent player (not meaning to brag).

  8. ok are you trying out for jv or varsity or something else??? if you are trying out for jv then you probably won't make it because the coaches are looking for girls that will make varsity next year and hopefully make it again the next year so that they can win championships easily. if you are trying out for varsity, then you will have a great chance of making it if you are an ok player because the coach usually takes seniors then juniors and then sophomores. the thing that you really have to know though is to just give it your all. they are looking for someone who won't give up even if they messed up a few times or there is no chance of winning. ohh try your hardest to run and not dive when going after a ball because it takes longer to get up and then you cant hit the ball again and the team might lose the ball.

  9. if you have never played before...

    i wouldn't

    not trying to be rude...

    but if you really want to be on the team...

    get a trainer...

    and work with them a lot over summer or something before tryouts

  10. just try it, then you will fall in love with it.  like i do...

  11. You should definitely do it!!! I was just like you,I was a junior and never played volleyball. When I tried out for volleyball last summer, surprisingly I was actually good and I made the team. Because you are a junior and never played volleyball, you might be put on the junior varsity team at first (like me), but if you show the coach that you are dedicated and have confidence you may be promoted to Varsity.On the first day, you should bring you A-game and just show the coach how determined you are.

  12. I wouldn't suggest it. Even if you made it, alot of wasted time would be spent on the bench. practice like h**l and try and make it senior year.

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