
Im a junior this year and didnt take honors classes-Will this hurt my chances of getting into a good college?

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I get all A's in all of my regular courses and have a 4.1 GPA..and my sophomore year I took French honors..but i wanted to take regular French this year because from what I've heard the next year of French honors is h**l. Is it also bad that i went from taking an honors course to a regular course the following year? My dream school is NYU, but i feel that not taking honors courses will hurt my chances of not getting in..i need answers!




  1. It might hurt your chances, it's hard to say.

    If you have a lot of extracurriculars, leadership experiences, and high test scores, it probably won't be that big a deal.  However, if you are weak in those areas, it could be a larger issue.

  2. I don't think it will hurt your chances especially if you are getting As.

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