
Im a loner. anyone else?

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Im a loner. anyone else?




  1. Present.

    My parents think I'm going to grow up to be a serial killer, too.  Being a loner isn't such a bad thing, not when you have the internet. :]

  2. Me too.  I will be sociable w/ people if they initiate, but have a hard time keeping up with things to say.  Just easier to stay at home.

  3. Yeah. I'm a loner too. I don't really like being around people as much as I like being alone. And people don't really like being around me so it works both ways. :)

  4. Hey, let's all be loners together.

    Wait, will we still be loners then?

  5. you know what. i am sort of. eventhough people wouldnt think so since i act nice and friendly and seem to have a lot of friends.. but really deep down i like being by myself more because all my friends always flake out on me and are unrealiable and arent there for me when i need then. so that has caused me to like to be alone more.

  6. I have always been a loner.  At any given time I have a couple friends, but none last more than a couple years my whole life.  I am ok with it.  I wish I could maintain friendships sometimes though.  My husband has friends from highschool when he was 14, I don't even have any from age 34.  I wish I didn't always feel so different, and especially so misunderstood.

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