
Im a loser at highschool?

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I started highschool yesterday with none of my friends and i absoletly hate it. All the guys are cocky and perverted and all the girls just glare at me. I dont know where to sit at lunch and this school is cliquey so i would look stupid asking to sit with them. I dont want to look like a loser eating by myself at lunch.




  1. you are not a looser ,erase that word from your life ,even if you have lunch by yourself  you are not a looser ,one day is gonna come somebody and sit with you ,it is only the start  

  2. I was the same when I first started at high school, but I just sat by myself, and eventually I somebody came up to me and now we're best friends.

  3. I am not in high school because some girls made up a rumor that I was pregnant with the coaches baby and had an abortion..All because I waved to someones boyfriend...My mom home schooled me after that.

  4. i was the same way last year when i started high school. the important thing to do is to be nice and dont be afraid to stick up for what u believe in and dont be afraid to ask to sit down or ask girls or guys out( i cant tell ir ur a girl or a boy lol). ur a frosh and u should have confidance cause most freshman dont. i did and i ended up with tons of frends and teachers that loved me. also dont be shy, dont give attitude unless its important, and dress cool even if theres no uniform, work out and get a cool hairstyle. ima girl and some of this stuff worked and also if ura girl dont be one of those annoying freshman that cheer like a dumb bimbo cause ur so gonna get burned by the older ppl. just play it cool and if u want more advice on surviving high school, just tuff it out and be urself and dnt be fake. if u have more questions then dont be afraid to ask them and im sure many ppl who have been thru this experience before ( like me lol) can guide u thru it and help u out some more! good luck and make frends with the older kids in school. trust me IT HELPS A h**l OF A LOT!!!

  5. March yourself up to a table & start making new friends.  Find a table that looks nice.  The people will start talking to you.  If not, then YOU start talking, if you don't, no one will.  If you end up not liking them or something, just act normally like you would at home eating your own lunch.  Who cares what they think?  As if they are going to have any impact in your life when you're 30 with 2 kids.  You're not going to cry over "like oh my gosh she sat in that chair".  Be realistic.  Do what you want, sit WEREVER you want.  Ignore the wierd owls glaring at you, theyr'e just being creepy.  Go on with your life & don't let a fckin owl stop you from having a good time

  6. Don't worry!  Try to as confident as you can. Hold your head high, smile when you can, and be friendly to everyone. There has got to be another student like you thinking the exact same right now, from your own school!

  7. its only been a day.  life for the new girl is hard.  just hang in there.  join clubs or sports that you like and soon enough ull meet some friends.  

  8. just ask some nice looking girls to sit with them. most people wouldn't say no and if they do at least you tried

  9. Give it time.

  10. Your not a loser! just cause you go to a school with some kids trying to act like they live in a movie just try to make 2 good friends and dont worry what others think

  11. hey, you've just started yesterday to call yourself a loser.

    remember, if a person doesn't want to be friends with you, it just means that they don't deserve the great person in you.

    and don't wait for them to come and make friends with you.

    take the initiative and try.

    there's nothing to lose anyway.


  12. You're correct about school - it's pretty bad today. Ask your parents if you could be homeschooled, perhaps with another group, somehow.

    And give them this note from me (I'm a grandparent's age):

    Dear Parents: Your daughter is correct - schools today are pretty miserable. I am advising some form of alternative; thanks.

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