
Im a loser?

by Guest44942  |  earlier

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im a doctor. i get only 2 patients a very free with my patients and want the best for that my mistake people dont want to come to me because im simple i have a 18 year old bike and a nokia 3315 mobile. patients only want to go to doctors who give a lot of style and showoff.should i do the same .how do i sell myself.should i update myself because i am avery simple person should i give airs then only people will think that i am succesful. people take humble people as losers in todays times they r more interesed in what car u drive and what mobile you have.what should i do to be successful. HELP




  1. It looks like you are living in stone age, I think its better to change yourself. Not like other but a little bit.

  2. to be successful stop thinking the way u r doing now n jus be urself :)

  3. be friendly

    ask them questions about they health

    make sure you do good job so they can come back to you, and they family and friends

  4. b urself...thts d most simple really impressd by d description u gav bout urself above.all u gotta do it thiink positive n b not change..think tht ur d best... a lil self confidence n ull b wat u wanna...gud luck....tell me hw it

  5. doctos don't  usually get noitrived because of thier apperance ..its thier work which usually time to  time when ur work will upgrade u  will automatically upgrade urself...

    as patient know must..and do  beleive in urslef...
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