
Im a noob, can comeone tell me everything i need to know and do to host my own webpage?

by  |  earlier

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I need to know what I have to do to get a domain, were i can go to find it, how much it will cost to get it, and then what i have to to to contineue to host the webpage becuase i have absolutely no clue.

thanks in advance




  1. you will need to buy 2 things

    1. domain

    2. hosting plan


    most hosting companies have a deal with offering both a domain with the hosting plan

    a domain itself is relatively cheap, I am buying mine at $9.29/year from

    If you want to buy hosting with the domain, you can look at or

    Those are two of the bigger hosting companies which have good offers.


    You should look at the offer's statistics as well. You probably want higher bandwidth and not too much storage unless you're storing a lot of images/videos. Know what you need and don't overbuy the offers unless you want to waste money.

    BTW, there are a lot of smaller hosting companies out there that may offer better deals. But they're harder to find and their customer service might be worst (or better in some special cases).

  2. As you may know a domain name is just a name, not a real website. If you are going to create your website: 1- Buy a domain name. 2- Buy a web hosting service to provide your online space and enable you to get your website online at your purchased domain name.

    If you want to start your website I recommend purchase your domain and hosting together. In this way it is possible to get your domain for free. Some hosting services offer this gift today. One of these services is reachable at:  This company offers "Free Site Builder" that helps you build your web pages without difficulty if you are not skilled in using any website creating program. (WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get). They also offer hundreds of various customizable templates. If you had any question just email me.

  3. Go to and seacrh for the domain you want, see if its available, the .com .net .org domain i think cost $9 a year, .once you have a domain you need to point it to your server, you could just use godaddy's dns or use your own DNS service.

    you need to change www CNAME and A record to point to your server.

    Now about hosting your own page on your own server at home, you need to have install linux and configure apache or install windows and iis or apache, if your webpage need database you will need to install it as well.

    that is the very very very short version of it, If i were you i would jsut host it somewhere, then get  a domain and just point it to that hosting company its cheaper and easier


  4. Usually if you buy a web hosting package it will come with a domain.

    One good host is bluehost, they re at (they got the best ratings around the web).

    I use currently and for web sites.  They are different companies but operate as "sister" companies (whatever that means).  I have noticed ipowerweb goes down randomly for a couple hours quite a bit, its speed is decent.  I cant speak for prologic, as I just started with them.

    I have used in the past: - I stay away from them b/c they suspended my friend's site for "illegal files," which were actually songs of which he was the artist.  That was completely unfair and crude, so we dropped them. - I believe I dropped site5 because there was a better deal elsewhere.  Not too sure though... - I just forgot to pay them.  I had no problems with them.

    They have good rates if you pay by the year, but if you are looking into small scale websites I would suggest something cheaper, or even free if you dont mind putting up with banner adds.

  5. Hi

    You can find the hosting and domain companies very esay just enough if you google it.

    try this one maybe was helpful

    i prefer buy a domain and host from same company.

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