
Im a perfectionist and i dont even know how to have

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ive been a perfectionist my whole life.. over everything. every second my head is racing about things i need to get done or should do or shouldve done and planning this and that and when i need to get home. worrying about him or her or maybe i should call this person or whatever. i cant even enjoy what im doing.

im anxious all the time and my head is never into what im doing at the moment no matter what i do.

i seriously cant even have fun.. or more like i dont know how to have fun.. without worrying and thinking about everything.

and its like i work so hard... and yeah i always get where i want to get to and accomplish what i want to accomplish..

but im not happy.





  1. ha ha...I'm a perfectionist too. Three percent off a perfect score is three questions I failed at. When my watch beeps, the bells ring at school and loosing one game of tennis is a disgrace. The only difference with me is that I'm the most creative person that I know. By far. So, when I was in sixth grade, I started writing a book. Four years later, and that one book has turned into a series of eight, and I just finished up two other books for a different series. For a perfectionist like me, it's the most fun I have ever had because I can do anything.


    I hold a universe in the palm of my hand. I can create mountain chains, destroy planets, and alter the course of history. On a whim, I can kill off a character, or bring one back to life. I know all and see all. The limits are nonexistent.

    The hardest part for someone starting off, is finding a plot first off, and then starting. A blank computer screen is incredibly daunting, especially if you know that you have 83,000 - 130,000 words ahead of you. But by the end of the book, you'll have something amazing that you, and you alone, created.

  2. It isn't actually what you achieve that you take with you after this life, but who you have become....

    Who do you want to be known for at the end of your life?

    Is what you are doing getting you there ?

    Step by step plans to become the person you want to be need to be thought out and followed.

    read a boook called "Don't sweat the small stuff" Richard Carlson

    It may teach you what to worry about, and what to leave.


  3. You could try a role in helping people such as community service.  When you see other people grateful for what you did, you may feel better that you made a difference.

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