
Im a pescetarian who bought a vegetarian you think any1 will get mad at me 4 nt bein full vegitarian?

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Im a pescetarian who bought a vegetarian you think any1 will get mad at me 4 nt bein full vegitarian?




  1. First off please do a little grammar and spell checking. Secondly you are not a vegetarian you are a fish eater so wearing a vegetarian shirt is a lie unless you eliminate fish from your diet. Fish are animals not vegetables or minerals so it wouldn't make sense to wear vegetarian shirts if you are eating animals. The whole term pescetarian was invented to make fish eaters feel less bad, even though they are eating the flesh of another animal which is fine if you do it extremely sustainably and carefully  but it makes it not vegetarian.

  2. Mickle(:

    I think that youll be fine, and some people


    are just a little bit to harsh.


  3. Yep.  And it's because you're a liar.  Look, if you want to eat fish, that's your decision.  But please don't call yourself a vegetarian unless and until you stop eating the flesh of animals.  I really don't want people offering me fish when I say I'm veg; I didn't even like it when I was an omnivore.

    And in case this wasn't covered in your basic biology courses, fishes are animals.

  4. no one has the right get mad

    at least your trying =D

    so i say good for you

    but i warn you there are some veggie heads like that who think its a big compation but really those are the people who dont give a **** about why there doing it (being veg/vegan/pes) its all for the attention they get.

  5. Yes, the vegan n***s are going to kick down your door and beat your ***. You should have kept your mouth shut. Yahoo seems to be full of them.

  6. i'd think it was pretty silly for you to go around pronouncing yourself as something that you are not.... i'm glad you follow the diet you do, but it confuses people... i'm a real vegetarian... and i'm soooo tired of being offered fish.... i end up starving at events because people have the "vegetarian option" be seafood.... it's not fair to people who really are vegetarian.... so eat what you want to eat but don't call yourself something your not  

  7. I think if you walk around shoving dead animals in your mouth (animals like fish and shrimp) while wearing a pro-vegetarianism shirt, I think people will think you're joking, like fat guys that wear "I beat Anorexia" shirts, or hunters that were "PETA" T-shirts (with "People Eating Tasty Animals" underneath in fine print). So I guess nobody will be mad, since it's clear you're not a vegetarian anyway.

  8. I have a UCLA shirt. I wear it all the time though I did not go to UCLA. I also have a Michael Jordan jersey although I am obviously not Michael Jordan. I also have a FDNY shirt though I am not a New York fireman.

    Wear it if you want to. When people ask if you are really a vegetarian, just say "No, not yet. I still eat fish". And if they ask "so why are you wearing a vegetarian shirt then?" Say "Well I like what vegetarians are doing though I am not one yet" and leave it at that. if they get pissed, its their  problem, not yours.

    It's your shirt, your life. No lifestyle should dictate how to live it.

  9. I don't see a problem with it, so long as you don't mind presenting yourself as a liar to anyone who knows you better.

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