
Im a real nerd. help!!!?

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i woke up this morning realizing some thing!! I'm a real nerd!!!!!!!!

ok I'm 14 almost 15

I'm top of my year in almost every thing except language. the guy i like is just as nerdy as i am

i have braces and glasses. love playing with computers. 2 years a go i didn't try at school at all but now in trying even people the year above me come for homework help!!!

i have plenty of friends they`re great people but there not very cool.

i don't get invited to any party's and i spend every lunch playing chess or uno.

i wont to invited to party's and have people stop sending me emails all week on the answers to questions.

i wont to be cool, like i used to be but i don't know how now. Help!!!




  1. you should not feel too bad about this.  being a nerd is not so bad.  i think Bill Gates said this a while back "people should be nice to nerds, because chances are that they will be working for one in the future".  probably not word for word of what he said.  

  2. i am a 15 year old boy that went threw this in year 7. i use to be bright and clever, a bit of a teachers pet really; but i didnt mind. Then i was botherd when i heard other people calling me it, so i changed who i was thinking it was for the better. teachers didnt refer to me as the polite young man from 7s ( thats my form/ tutor group ), i was known as the little trouble maker. i thought that it wud be gd to act like every1 else, have a laugh, cause trouble. i regret every second of it. i was kicked out of ma school at the start of the summer holidays, have to wait 2-3 years to do my GCSE's, got addicted to weed, and have a criminal record. i would do anything to go back to being a nerd and making sure my future was going to be a good one. and trust me the partys are not as good as people say they are .

  3. Being cool is never the answer to anything,being cool is just living up to people's expectations.Do what makes you happy and be yourself.Don't throw away your intelligence and gifts just to be liked but a group of kids who probably will not even be anything in life.If people are asking you for homework help,then you are cool because people are looking up to you.You are being a leader,not a follower,and being a leader to help people is the best thing you can do in life.I hope my insight helps.

  4. There is nothing wrong with being a nerd. There is something wrong, however, with trying to change yourself and stop doing things you like just because you want to be like everyone else.

    I have an issue with that letting people walk all over you with homework and stuff. That's not good.

    Just remember you'll get to go to a good college, and in college everyone is a nerd AND cool!

    You'll grow out of the braces, you can start wearing contacts, and you won't look as nerdy.

    and don't shun the great friends you have now just because you don't think they're cool. what kind of person are you?

  5. Awww Hoeney your not a nerd. YOUR A COOL NERD! Nerds are cool.

    they do there own thing, Nerds are realy SMART HELPFUL NICE  


    P.S I'm a nerd, Don't belive me? Check out my profile E-mail me Reading Questions!


  6. Okay, by "cool" what do you mean?

    The cool people at my school is usually in Volleyball, Cheerleading, or on our Swim Team.

    They have straight A's, but they don't just give out the answers. They give a cocky attitude so they don't get pushed around.

    They hang with their group during lunch.

    And they're usually pretty.

    They wear Hollister and A&F, although even the not-so-cool kids wear them too.

    They're a size 00-5 in jeans; in shape.

    They're usually "good-kids" except they're pretty and they have friends and they're not goody-two-shoes.

    The "nerds" at my school are not intelligent loners.

    If the cool kids at your school smokes, pierce their own selves, wear sooo much makeup and stuff, stop trying to be cool. Be like people I described up there.

    If you want, you can message me and I'd help you as much as I can. Because I'm "cool" at my school.

  7. Okay. look into getting contacts. Get a new hairstyle and/or clothing style just to switch things up a bit. DEFINTATELY STOP PLAYING CHESS AND UNO AT LUNCH. Sorry but thats a mega no no. Broaden your friend horizon. Tell the people that you don't know the answers to the homework and they will stop asking. If you want more help you can email me and I will be more specific. I went through this last year and my older sister was a big help in my make over. Good luck sweetie(:

  8. ill b ur friend!

  9. Hey,

    Your at that age... we were all there... its all about apearence and the smart people being the "nerds".  I hate to give this as advice... but if thats what you realy want, just work on your apearance, having glasses isnt unattractive, unless the glasses themselves are ugly lol... and having braces isn't permanent.  If those 2 things are your only flaws, you'll be fine...

    First off, girls can change their entire look with a new hairdo, keep that in mind, second of all, use makeup, but go easy on it... you dont need a cake on your face hehe. What you wear will have an effect on peoples judgement, but not that much.  Eventually you'll get contacts, lose the braces, get into highschool and boom, all the guys will be over you.

    Good luck!


  10. Be Yourself.

    You Can Make Your Own Tutoring Club.

    Where People Can Pay 1.00 To Come In And Be Tutored.

    That WAy You ll Be Known And You ll MAke Some Money.

  11. Woah...why do you care so much about being cool? You already have friends and a future plan. Most 'popular' people end up not knowing what to do with their lives because they trash it trying to be who other people want them to be. Just be who you are and don't spend your life trying to change yourself to fit in with other people who don't even know the real you.

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