
Im a shy person, help me. first day of school?

by  |  earlier

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im a pretty shy person, like i have social anxiety kinda shy. i already got thru my first day of school as a junior. i mean i know everyone already, but everyone already thinks im the quiet shy person. im really trying to improve my image. i want people to see me as a social person. dont think im like friendless or anything, i do have friends. i just want to make some more friends with people ive known for a while. please help me. i just get so scared in social situations that i just dont make any attempts to talk to people anymore. please help me out. thanks.




  1. The first thing is not to get anxiety-like. These people you go to school with are only skin, blood and bones. Don't get intimidated.Your image can only change if you want it to. You ARE an individual and you are unique. If you need a confidence boost, buy something that you don't tell anyone about, like a new pair of shoes that make you feel good. It'll make you feel good that you have improved something about yourself. THE TRICK IS TO NOT TELL ANYONE AND KEEP THE CONFIDENCE TO YOURSELF.Don't try to re-invent yourself, because really, there is no such thing.  As for making friends, you will most likely meet people in your classes. But, if you don't join clubs; as corny as it sounds, you meet people who have similar interests to you and it gives you something to do.

    Hope that helps!!! =)

  2. Go to the top of the largest building and pretend to be about to commit suicide, then build a large audience, when everyone asks you why you are going to do it, say that it is because no one will be your friend.

    Problem solved.

    Only kidding, but seriously, just let people know that you are a regular person that can be outgoing at times, you will do fine in high school and you probably have nothing to worry about.

    Hang out with whoever you feel comfortable with.

  3. i get like that cuz right now i'm @ a new school, might go back 2 my old school and i have some bullies! so i just try and ignore them talking about me and cry to my mom when i get home! i only have 4 friends and i'm ok w/ that!

  4. I'm pretty much like that if i embarrass myself I get red,but just try to breath deeply.

    And if i'm to shy to go up to someone try counting down from 5 and make yourself come up to them when you get to 1(it works for me)

    Just try to be friendly say hi,talk about interest and try to crack some jokes.

    Good Luck!

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